The Century Mark!!

Sharon Johnson
on 2/13/08 12:38 pm - Marina, CA
I have finally made it, I am down ONE HUNDRED POUNDS since the time that I made the choice to take control of my life.  I have also said "bye bye" to 67.25 inches forever.  I am now wearing a size small in pants (I still wear the stretch knit pants because I can't find a pair of jeans that will fit, to much skin) and I couldn't be happier with the progress that I have made in such a short amount of time.  The best present that I ever bought for myself was my treadmill that I got for my 40th birthday.  I am still doing that in the morning before I take my shower, then it is off to the office. I hope that everyone has a great Valentines Day!!! Sharon

My Rebirth-Day 7/10/2007  I AM 1 YEAR OLD!     CURRENT BMI 35.1
**76.5" ** LOST SINCE 7/10/2007

De Anna
on 2/13/08 12:51 pm - Monterey, CA

That is amazing, what a huge life change!  You have lost the weight of a whole person! 

When people say they've lost a hundred pounds, I always think of the movie "Babycakes", where the dad is berating his overweight daughter, and tells her "Lose a hundred pounds, it'd change your life."  I used to always think "Yeah, right.  A hundred pounds, that is virtually impossible!"  But here you've done it!

I'm so happy for you!


Lisa B
on 2/13/08 2:15 pm - Riverside, CA
Congratulations Sharon!!! You have done a great job....weigh to go!!!!

BIG Hugs,
"When I look good, I feel good....when I feel good, I look even better! "

on 2/13/08 2:36 pm - Long Beach, CA
Congrat Sharon weigh to go. Monica

on 2/14/08 12:17 am - Vallejo, CA
Happy Valentines Day and Congratulations! 100# is amazing and definitely something to be proud of.

Sharon Johnson
on 2/14/08 12:27 am - Marina, CA
Thanks everyone, this has been so amazing and thrilling to go through.  My next goal is to make it under 200 lbs by the time that I see Dr. Vierra again in April. Happy Valentines Day,  Sharon

My Rebirth-Day 7/10/2007  I AM 1 YEAR OLD!     CURRENT BMI 35.1
**76.5" ** LOST SINCE 7/10/2007

chris R.
on 2/14/08 1:52 am - Antioch, CA
Sharon,   wow, you have really worked your tool, you are a great representation of how well this surgery works- if you work it- I have been really impressed with how dedicated you have been with the exercise portion also- I belive that is the key also- gotta get movin!                              Congrats- well deserved- Chris
Jaime C.
on 2/14/08 12:59 am - Pacific Grove, CA
RNY on 08/03/07 with
Sharon, COngrats!!!!  I loved reading this and so damn happy for you.  Sending you big hugs, Jaime
Jaime C.


Sharon Johnson
on 2/14/08 2:43 am - Marina, CA
Thanks Chris and Jamie-just have to get moving!!  Some days are better then others of course as far as the exercise goes.  I am finding that doing the treadmill first thing in the morning helps a lot because it gets me warmed up for the rest of the day.  Of course so does the heater that is next to me at work and on all day long, I am always so cold.  The doctor says to up my calorie intake but no more peanuts, sunflower seeds or wheat thins because they are to high in fat so what I have done is I am eating more fruits and veggies and lots of yogurt with it.  So far so good!!

My Rebirth-Day 7/10/2007  I AM 1 YEAR OLD!     CURRENT BMI 35.1
**76.5" ** LOST SINCE 7/10/2007

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