Good Tuesday Morning Gang!

Janine J.
on 2/18/08 6:29 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA
Welcome back to work a lot of you and happy 2nd day of the work week for a lot of you too!!! Trust me for the people who had to work...having a day off for teachers is not always the greatest when they return to the go wild and in my case they will be bouncing off the walls because the counties Date Festival has started and that is all they can think about!!! I hope the people who did get the day off got to do something special for! I spent 12 1/2 hours working on the yearbook...nearly straight through less the occasional bathroom pit stop and to wander in here and peek at the boards. I almost have my deadline finished about 6 more pages to go,but that is not bad out the 24 I had to get done by the 25th. I was so wound up that I had a hard time falling asleep and my sleep has been riddled with yearbook know that not able to put it to rest feeling. Thanks everyone for asking about my you said news is good is status quo as yesterday did not help having to sit and work like I did. I got through it with a lot of pain pills and made the horrible mistake of taking Aleve...OMG my pouch wanted to kill me. I was desperate because if I take too many RX pain pills I get a wee bit loopy. Congratulations to our new POTW (Jodi if you all do not know) and to Kattitude for being named SYSK...they both deserve the honors as they are two very good people who are very supportive of others!!!! Sheesh all the sparklin tiara's....let me grab my Smiley Sunglasses Hey Jean and Chris...what is wrong with lazy days? Ou both go a mile a minute and I think that it is good that you two recognize that you need those days here and there!!! Jean I know it is just a matter of time before we hear you shouting from the roof tops that you are a century down!!! Go sure are doing a fabu job of working your tool!!! Sue wow the mix-up and up in the air thing with Sammi and her inhaler! I know that my older son use to have horrible times with ear infections and he finally grew out of it. However he still gets the URI stuff going on to this day....just difficult when they are babies! Glad you two got to spend some alone time together and Sammi I know must really lite up her grandparents life! Smooches to her! Vicki...I am so proud of you sticking to your pouch and working it!!! You are really setting a good example and you are going to look HOT  Sexywhen Mike comes home! Antelope up high in Northern Cal? I know I have been to Roseville up that way....actually bought some Roseville pottery up there a long, long time ago at an antique store when you could still afford to buy the stuff!!!! I hope you did enjoy the sunshine is supposed to rain down here I think (desert) this week too...grumble grumble!! Nikki...I hope you are not in too much pain..what an awful experience! Monica W....did you enjoy your birthday? Did you get that new computer? You sure have yourself a good mommy and can you imagine what a good grammy she is going to be with Jordyn? OMG is all I can say!! Hey Monica P....finally got the right size photo's to fit in the frames you sent me for xmas...thanks....I put Hunters picture in the one that says cutie....and he surely is! If you have not gotten a chance, please hope over to Miss Diane C's surgery page and show your support. Here surgery is at 5 today...she is having a total knee replacement! N=C1164678530  Tough surgery, but she is a tough gal who can handle all this in stride. Plus she has the great Dougie to help her and a wonderful dad who lives with her to help out! Diane is going to be a spoiled princess in spite of all of it!! We love you Diane! Well all you....have a great day....I am fogging out here and hopefully can get back to sleep for a couple of hours before the alarm goes beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep at 4:30!!! PEACE OUT!!!! Biker Babe 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Nancy R.
on 2/18/08 8:28 pm - BIGGS, CA
Buenos Dias.... Well as an Instructional Aide I am back at work after a whole week off....our school had the week off because of president's day.  We are back at school with the worry of being laid off next year because of sweet budget cuts our school district is already in the hole 3 mill. and if arnie passes his budget we will be in the hole 8 mill total so guess where they are cutting they already announced they are cutting 200 teachers and admin. get a load of that ....well anyways i guess i will wish for the best but probably quite a few of us will be at EDD....have a great day because i sure plan on it!!! besos y abrazos (XOXO)


** Grant that I may be given appropriate difficulties and sufferings on this journey so that my heart might be truly awakened and my practice of universal liberation and compassion may be truly fulfilled!





on 2/18/08 8:56 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali, I am on the count down.  Nine days left of work.  The kids are really being lil jerks since the new semester started and its making me not want to be there.  But as always I have a IEP meeting tomorrow and its not even written.  So today will be busy.  I have to get it written so it can be checked and then after work I have doc appt followed by an ultra sound. Everyone enjoy the day. Monica

on 2/18/08 9:14 pm - El Cajon, CA

Good Morning Janine & Everyone, Well I am surviving, hurting, but alive. Saw a PCP yesterday he changed the dressing, gave me an antibiotic, some Percocet for at night and a bunch of supplies to do dressing changes. Slept a little better last night, but not much. Work should be interesting today, lol!!!  Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!


Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott 

Jeni H.
on 2/18/08 9:26 pm
Good morning Janine, good morning all! I hope everyone has a great day today.........I'm feeling a bit sluggish this morning, stayed up a bit past my bed time last night.   I wanted to stay in my nice warm bed and snuggle up with my DH....  It's a *****illy this morning!  Oh well, have to do it...have to get up! Tonight is weigh in at WW.  I "fell off" a bit this week but hope I made up for it!  I enjoy the meetings, so far it's been a good experience for me.  It has been helping me to choose the right foods to eat and to stay structured.  The meetings are pretty fun and interesting and I have met some new friends! I have not said anything about me having WLS......  I don't know why.  Maybe I'm afraid of the reaction...who knows.   I know, I have "issues!"  lol Well have and make it a great day! Jeni

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

on 2/18/08 10:03 pm - Central Coast, CA
Good morning Janine and Cali! Yup, back to work today. Sometimes I'm not so sure 3 day weekends are all that great. The extra time off was wonderful but now I get to cram 5 days worth of work into 4 days. It is going to be busy for sure! I do hope Sammi grows out of this need for an inhaler but I'm just not sure that will happen. She's ok as long as we are consistant with them. I didn't give it to her the other morning just to see what would happen and by mid afternoon she was weezing pretty good. One shot of her inhaler and poof she was fine. Instantly. It's crazy. Oh and I forgot to post yesterday, Sammi does like Hello Kitty. She just recently started getting into it, now everything is HK. Toothbrush, candy, bandaids, etc. Very cute! Here's to a fantastic day Cali! Sue

Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.

Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
   301        299      180     170     159

Steve J.
on 2/18/08 10:30 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
 Good Morning Cali Crew, it's TWISTED  Tuesday and that means we made it through Manic Monday.  Thumbs Up  Just a quick type by this morning as I need to get in to work a bit early for a meeting. Yesterday was very busy for me at work and today should be too. Helps the day go by quickly though! Wishing you, and all the Cali Crew, a wonderful day Janine!  Big Hug  Hugs And Kisses Blowing Kisses 


webdz9r S.
on 2/18/08 10:47 pm - Yellow Brick Road, CA
Good Morning to you.  I did not want to get out of bed nor come to work.  I had to much fun this weekend.. and to ruin it by coming back to work was not my plan.  But here I am at work and wanting some coffee.  It's nice to see that everyone has been doing so good since I was gone.  My new job is sometimes fun.. sometimes not.. but I'd rather be here than out on the streets.. oh wait.. I go out into the streets still but I don't all the time like before.  I did my taxes on turbo tax this year and Of Course,  I did them wrong and had to redo it.  But now it seems they like my figures and will allow me to file.  I am getting ready to go to Las Vegas in April for a week.  The conference is there and so will I be.  I cant wait for the fun to begin!  Well you all have a great day and keep up the fantasic work you all are doing. G




on 2/18/08 10:52 pm - Los Angeles, CA

Good Morning Just thought I would drop in and spread some love. Kim

Without struggle, there is no progress.

Jodi W
on 2/18/08 11:06 pm - SIMI VALLEY, CA
         Janine  Thanks for the kudo's for me as POTW. Thank you for the wrap up of everything that goes on around here also. You make it so much easier to keep track of everyone and everything thats happening. That's a lot of sitting and typing on that year book. You need to make sure you get up and walk around and stretch while your doing that. I will be so glad when your not in any  pain with your back.  To all the terrific people out here, have a wonderful day today no matter what it is that you do. Take care Sincerely Jodi

Hearts JODI    Hearts                 

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