The title" Pioneer in Body Contouring" can have VERY negtive connotation...

on 5/21/11 11:43 pm
..when you consider the humanity aspect of it all. 
From my experience "UGH" having a common street pimp on staff to tell some of these pioneer types where "stuff" is suppose to be woulda  really helped and coulda saved much time money , trouble,and a lot of pain and pelvic slope cartiledge for me.  Unbelievable what they didn't figure on and how they hid the oversight.


Living Life
on 5/23/11 12:48 am - Riverside, CA
Is this part two of something? because I feel like I am missing the begining of the stroy. I am not sure what you are talking about. Or asking? Are you trying to warn us of something?

Sorry, if I am missing the begining of the story

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