
on 8/20/09 7:50 am - WA
Hi everyone. My name is Chrissy and I'm 23 years old. I had wls in Aug 2002 (when I was 16) weighing in at 300lbs. I got down to my goal weight of 140. Kept the weight off until 2007 when I got pregnant with my first son and gained a whopping 60lbs (I don't recommend giving in to those cheeto cravings!) and then gained an additional 20lbs this year with my second child who was just born on July 31st.

So now I am sitting at 220, feeling miserable about gaining all this weight back and just not sure where to go from here. I have a two year old and a newborn and am just plain exhausted. My pouch has stretched out considerably and I know that my best chances to get my weight back under control would be with some sort of revision.

What is everyones experiences with revisions? Are they typically covered by insurance if your doctor feels it necessary?

I would like to say for anyone considering WLS, It changed my life. At 16 I was in the middle of my high school years dealing with the cruel things kids say and do. By 17, I wore a size 9 dress to the prom, and by 18 I wore a size 7 dress to the prom (and it was form fitting!)
on 8/20/09 3:51 pm - Kihei, HI
Aloha & e komo mai!

What kind of WLS did you have? You mention a pouch, so I'm thinking either RNY or DS?

Getting back to basics and staying there seems to be the key no matter what type of surgery. Watching carb and sugar intake, keeping an eye on calories, too. We know WHAT to do, we just have to DO IT!

Welcome to the forum board and good luck in regaining control of your life. We're all here to support you even if we are a small and quiet group.

Malama pono
Sometimes losing is really winning
I feel like Alice.... I'm in Onderland! 7-18-08

on 8/20/09 4:31 pm - WA
Open RNY. I just feel like such a big failure! I know I'm being pretty hard on myself, but I never should have let myself gain so much weight with my pregnancies! I'm thinking first things first is to get strict on portion sizes and calories.. I'll keep everyone updated.. It's still too early for me after childbirth to start a new exercise routine, but in about four weeks I should be cleared. Thanks for your support and reply! :)
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