Cut artery sewn into abdominal muscle, HURTS!!!

(deactivated member)
on 9/1/08 5:10 am - ID

I had ROUX-EN-Y on 08-26-08 (just 6 days ago). There was a small complication during surgery. I was told nothing big. The Doctor had cut one of my arteries and had a hard time stopping the bleeding. He had to sew it to my abdominal muscle. It has left me with a dimple, resembling another deep naval on my upper left side, under my breast. I am having a hard time moving. I.e. getting up and down, turning over, going to the bathroom even when only mind pressure is needed to do so. The pain can only be described as a stabbing and pulling pain. I have spent most of the past 6 days in bed on my right side. I am wondering if anyone else has gone through this and if so it took you to get up and moving again without the extreme pain? I am pretty dependant on my family right now and am eager to get up and moving. I am having no other problems. I have only been on liquids and pureed soups. So far all has gone down fine other then a bit of a tummy ache from time to time. My only set back is the pain from the artery sewn to my muscle.

I would be grateful for any answers you can offer.



(deactivated member)
on 9/9/08 2:38 am - ID
I am feeling much better!!! I hope you are all well and loosing.

on 9/9/08 2:37 pm - Moscow, ID
I'm glad your feeling better!

on 9/18/08 4:45 am - ID
Hi Heather,
I believe we sat together at consultation together. You talked about your fiance and the hospital not able to give him information.
So how are you feeling. I read the above informaton and saw your picture and thought to myself I know her. Why did this happen?">">>

(deactivated member)
on 11/26/08 10:43 am

OMG!  That is so scary!!!  I am having RouxY surgery by the same doctor you have in Dec or Jan and I am freaking out that he may do this to me!  You have a dimple you an see on the outside?? WTF.  Is doctor Oakley going to pay for all of your complication issues?  This scares the poo out of me.  Is this a regular thing?  Good lord.  I sure hope you are feeling okay.... What other things have you heard about Oakley?  Yikes.  I hope people will reply to th is and give us more info on if there have been several complications with this doctor.  I wish the very best for you and you are in my prayers. 

(deactivated member)
on 12/7/08 3:09 am - ID
I have no dimple now and even though those first couple weeks were tough I would not change this blessing for anything. DO not worry you will be fine and loving the changes you will see! Dr. Oakley is a wonderful doctor!!!
on 12/9/08 7:11 am - ID
Had my surgery with Oakley AWESOME is all I can say. If you go to anyone else you are messing up. I talked to several docs in Boise before I made my decision. Wouldn't trust anyone else and I would do it all over again anyday. Nov. 4th was my day
Take care">">>

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