will i ever have good restriction for a long period?

on 4/11/11 4:31 am, edited 4/11/11 4:44 am - United Kingdom

hi im 5 months ppost op and have only lost  12lb i have 6 .5 mls in my 10 ml band the question is after every fill for a fortnight feels great then it slackens of i know the swelling goes down but will i stay with that full feeling with out it slackening of when i reach the right resriction?or will i always feel like a fill 2 weeks after every fill?

on 4/11/11 4:38 am - China Grove, NC
I would have your Dr check your band for leaks and such and make sure it is in good working order .I get fills usually every 4-6 weeks .I am a year out .I have skipped a fill once and had a little removed once.  Also maybe re-evaluate your eating patterns and  make sure your hunger is physical and not head hunger. It is hard to tell at times. I would make sure you do not have a leak or something since you say you have restriction at first and then it goes away.

on 4/11/11 4:53 am - Vancouver, WA
Not neccesarily some of us never do reach a stable restriction level, I truely hope you are not one of those but it is possible. Around 20% of us just never get good restriction. Having said that you still have room for lots more fill since the band will hold more than the stated size. As the OP said make sure there isn't a leak and that you mainly eat dense protein to stay full. Work with your doc and try to figure out what is going on.
on 4/11/11 5:03 am, edited 4/11/11 5:04 am - United Kingdom
hi,thank u both so much ive felt happy and tryed to keep upbeat abt it all but im starting to feel depressed i have felt restriction but it never lasts is this normal at this stage?i was over restricted at one stage and they took some out
on 4/11/11 6:10 am - Vancouver, WA
I would think that if you actually have that much in your band yopu should have some continued feeling of restriction, that's why you need to have the surgeon check for a leak. Good luck!
(deactivated member)
on 4/11/11 12:17 pm - San Diego, CA
Hi there - I understand your frustration during what we call "bandster hell"!  Just wanted to let you know that I have personally been at perfect restriction for 20 months (I do get a bit tighter during time of the month, but only for 1-2 days and it is tolerable, nothing to where I would consider even a slight unfill).  So yes, it does last longer than 2 weeks once you get there honey!  That is your light at the end of the tunnel! :)  Just keep getting *slight* fills as often as your surgeon allows until you get there.  Also, how is your diet?  Other than the issue of not having enough restriction, are you following the protocol in the meantime? Hugs...
on 4/11/11 6:42 pm - United Kingdom
hi thanks for what youve said feels sometimes im never going to get there.are yr portions small then u  feel full i was told a small side plate size?whatdo u eat on a typical day?
(deactivated member)
on 4/11/11 11:54 pm - Des Moines, IA
I agree that you need to talk to your surgeon. 

I have never felt "full".  I eat my 3oz of dense protein and a 1/4c of a veggie.  I can go 3-5 hours without being physically hungry.  I don't know how much I could eat, I don't want to stretch my pouch or esophagus. 

I might eat steel cut oats for breakfast or a Greek yogurt.  Lunch is 3oz of chicken and some fresh salsa and a little veggie or fruit.  Dinner the same thing, different meat.  A snack could be a cheese stick or 1/2 of an apple and some peanut butter, or some carrots etc.

Maybe others feel full, but I never have in 21 months.  That's okay, because the hunger is dimmed and I'm losing weight.  I also exercise an hour a day or more.
(deactivated member)
on 4/12/11 4:05 am - San Diego, CA
My portions are 3/4 cup (6oz) to 1 cup (8oz) of food maximum.  I weigh/measure everything so that my food journaling will be accurate (which I have done since day one.)  Sometimes I am too full to finish those sized portions (especially dense proteins)...sometimes I finish all of it and feel like maybe I *could* eat more.  But I choose not to, because I don't *need* more food, it's just my brain wanting to keep on going with the physical act of eating because it tastes good (aka "head hunger").  Now that I know the difference betweeen actual hunger and head hunger, it is much easier for me to be successful and satisfied with my portions.  Eating until I was "full" is what got me to 259 lbs in the first place!  Here is a typical day of eating for me:

Early - 2 scoops BSN Lean Desserts Protein Shake (Banana Creme Pudding flavor), 3/4c 1% milk, 2T PB2, Ice

B:  2/3c Special K Protein Cereal, 1/2c 1% Milk, 3T Fiber Sprinkles

1c Fage 0% Plain Greek Yogurt, 3T Fiber Sprinkles, 2T SF Butterscotch Syrup, sprinkle of cinammon

L:  3 Turkey Meatballs, 4T Marinara Sauce, 1T Parmesan Cheese

S:  10 BBQ Soy Crisps, 2T Hummus

D:  2oz Slow-Cooker Greek Chicken on top of 1c salad made with spinach, tomatoes, kalamata olives, cukes, red onion, feta cheese & LF Cheese Fantastico dressing.

S:  No evening snack today (late dinner and full)

I am not sure if our measurements are the same as yours in the UK so if the above does not make sense, let me know and I will do my best to convert it for you. :)

on 4/11/11 3:44 pm - Athens, GA

It varies greatly. Some just need a fill or 2............other NEVER reach restriction/green zone/sweet spot.......or what ever it is the bandsters on here have decided to call it this week!

Hopefully u will be one of the lucky ones. For me.............COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY! :-(




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