One step closer

on 6/26/12 4:20 am
Hi All,

I finally made contact with Trish and received the form for my Doctor and I to fill out, as well as, an introduction letter. My Doctor and husband are on board ... now I have to come to terms with the reality of changing my lifestyle and whether or not I can do it. I need to loose 170 lbs, God help me.  Is it as easy as filling in the form and picking a date? I am thinking of Sept, once school is back.

When I read about you all loosing, swapping clothes, I think "Can I....?"

I live out of town, is there a meet and greet scheduled over the summer?

Thanks for the support,


on 6/26/12 7:12 am
RNY on 05/15/12
Yes you can do this. Is it as easy as filling in the form and picking a date.....well it is to get started.  The surgery is an amazing tool that you have to use to it's full potential and to your benifit.  Life after surgery is so much better for me already and it's only been 6 weeks.  Coming to a meet and greet is a great way to gain a lot of information quicly.  Hope to meet you soon.
Referred March 2/11,  Group Orientation Nov. 4 /11, Surgery date May 15/12  RNY    
on 6/26/12 8:13 am - Canada
Hi there

What do we have to lose, except all those extra lbs, lo

You can do it and the support in Manitoba is awesome.   Everyone is very helpful and encouraging.

Look forward to meeting you
on 6/28/12 12:35 am - winnipeg, Canada
RNY on 06/05/12
 its easy to get the ball rolling, but unless you do self pay in mexico theres no way you will get a surg date that fast, sorry to be the bearer of bad news. the wait times in winnipeg are 2-5 years i hear. i went to edmonton as my bmi was to high for winnipeg, it took 2 years from referal to surg. but i hear those wait times have gone done , so that may be an option. i had to go to edmonton 6 or 7 times, and it cost me and my hubby nearly 1000 each trip, NOT including airfare, the airfare will be reimbursed by mb health. honestly if i knew then what i know now, i wouldnt have waited 2 years, save a grand or so and gone to mexico, that way i could have picked my own surg date, and its fast, just a matter of weeks tioll you get in. if thats something that appeals to you, or even just strikes up a bit of curiousity for you, there are lots of awesome ladies on here who went the mexico route and are doing great! my hubby is thinking of getting the sleeve done in mexico this xmas...
best of luck! you will make the right desicion for your self, dont worry!
refered to weight wise , edmonton june 2010, asessment nov 2011, surg june 2012
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