Update on Meet and Greet thread...

on 8/20/13 1:12 pm - Canada
VSG on 12/03/13

August is rapidly coming to a close. Anyone want to try to meet on a Friday evening or Saturday day so Trish can make it? 

As to the church I was enquiring about, it  is Crossways in Common on Broadway and Furby and  is only available on Monday/Tuesdays and possibly Fridays (I have to recheck about Friday) as other groups have booked their boardroom on other days. There is a cost - nominally $45 but they would be willing to work something out  (they are a non profit too).  We would be responsible for cleaning up after ourselves but is OK to bring in food and coffee, etc.

No reply from the UWSA re the Bullman Centre boardroom at the U of W, but it is summer and I will continue to follow up on this.

Is there commitment to do coffee?

(see previous Meet and Greet thread for more info)


on 8/20/13 1:36 pm
VSG on 06/04/12

I am busy now until September. my son and his wife are coming to visit for the next week and he is off overseas for 9 months so I am going to soak up some kid time while I can.  kiss

Dr. Sauceda future patient  - body will be by Sauceda!

Surgery 4 Jun 12 Dr Ponce de Leon in Mexico I was down 57 lbs prior to surgery.

(deactivated member)
on 8/20/13 5:04 pm

Aww Thank you Mike for thinking of me on this..  much appreciated :)

on 8/21/13 12:38 am, edited 8/21/13 12:39 am - Canada
VSG on 12/03/13

Don't mention it Tri****hink its important that we support each other in this journey. I know I'll need support when I have my surgery. Plus I have questions now.

Trish I can meet with you on Saturday for coffee, say downtown around 1 PM if you would like. Any one else from WLS is welcome to come too. Let me know if this works... Thanks.

on 8/21/13 8:32 am
RNY on 01/23/12

I am game for coffee, unfortunately downtown is not good for me and my lurker friend (jeanette...lol).  Any place else we could meet?  kj


Current Weight 118 lbs

on 8/21/13 2:43 pm - Canada
VSG on 12/03/13

I suggested downtown as a more centralized location plus good coffee. I may not be the best for privacy but I'm working on that.  I suggested Friday or Saturday to move things along since all we seem to be doing is talking and not acting.

I believe Trish said she can only make Saturday, which probably doesn't work for those that go away on weekends. I'm assuming most can't meet weekdays due to work commitments.So at this point I think those that want to do coffee have to**it or get off the pot.

If we want to meet elsewhere than downtown - where? I don't own a car so I'd like it to be reasonable close and not way out Pembina again.

(deactivated member)
on 8/21/13 9:45 pm


i can only speak for myself but downtown is too far for me.i live outside of wpg and to drive downtown would be a 2 hr drive for me.that is too long

many of the group lives in the outer edges of the city.

this is why we try and meet closer to everyones location and why we usually only meet after meeting at the vic because everyone is there that has gone through the manitoba program.we use the pembina smittys because thats where the majority is willing to meet.

on 8/22/13 12:33 am, edited 8/22/13 12:33 am - Canada
VSG on 12/03/13

Well for me to come to the Smitty's in Fort Richmond its an 1.5 hour bus ride one way. If downtown is too far then what do you suggest? Its been expressed by yourself that Smitty's is not ideal.

Speaking for myself chances are that if all the meetings are only in Fort Richmond, unless it coincides with something else, my attendance will be limited.

My proposal has been downtown to try to find a middle ground. August is almost over, I don't believe the WLS group met in July,  some folks are already talking about September.

I will stop looking into a location until I hear from the group a consensus about what parts of Winnipeg they are willing to travel to.

I have been advised that  surveys  can be set up online or by email but I don't have the time or expertise to do so. Perhaps someone else can.

on 8/22/13 1:52 am - Portage La Prairie, Canada

It doesn't really matter to me where they are held since I would be driving in from Portage la Prairie. It's a long way wherever they are. Perhaps they could move around  the city so no one has to drive a great distance every time?


on 8/22/13 2:54 am, edited 8/22/13 2:55 am - Canada
VSG on 12/03/13

That's an idea that has merit but how do we organize that? I'm not trying to put a damper on things but so far the lastest attempt to get together started by Rhonda (govtgirl) has stalled and my attempt to get a commitment to meet before August is over hasn't gone very far either.

I had started enquires for a central location downtown but am told its too far to travel.The church was very reasonable in saying that if we couldn't afford the $45 rental they would work something out even an honorarium. The UWSA hasn't replied about the Bullman Centre boardroom but I'm a volunteer at CKUW and some folks there thought we might get it for free. Both locations offer privacy and the ability to bring in food (Bullman even has a microwave and a coffee maker).

Neither are ideal locations. But those are two that came to mind for me given my personal affiliations  However it would require a commitment from us (as the WLS group) and that doesn't seem to be forthcoming.

Which brings us back to where we started.

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