You can tell it's summertime...

on 8/4/11 1:49 am
You can tell just by watching the message boards that it's summer weather, because they are so quiet!  I hope it's because everyone is outside, enjoying the beautiful Maine weather this time of year!

You know, here in Maine, even the winters are great.  But the summer's are spectacular!  Even the "bad" summer weather is an improvement, and there's always something to do here.  Water skiing, fishing, boating, hunting, kayaking, swimming, tennis, hiking, climbing, going for a drive, chopping wood, doing yard work, planting flowers, tending your garden, playing with the dog.  Maine may not have Disneyworld, but the one thing it does have?  Nature.  In all it's glory.  Year-round, ever-changing, spectacular.  Powerful.  Encouraging us to take our time, enjoy our lives, and to just let

I hope everyone is doing well, enjoying the summer!  Everyone stay on your plans, stay active, and be happy!  That's what it's all about!

"Hello, my name is David, and I am a nutritional over-achiever..."

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