Pre-Op with Dr. Clough

on 6/16/03 9:36 am - Surry, ME
I had my pre-op check up with Dr. Clough today, I'm already as far as he is concerned for Friday. I think I'm already too. The only thing that Dr. Clough did was listen to my heart and lungs, and asked if I had any questions about surgery. I also found out I didn't gain that 5 pounds I thought I had, I'm still 361, thank god, LOL. I wish in the next few days I could loose 2 more pounds so I would be just under 360. I did ask him if I could play volleyball the day before I go back to see him for my 6 week check up, and he said sure, and that I would probably be better at it then I was before. I asked Dr. Clough about when my husband and I could have intercourse after surgery. His reply was "As soon as you get home if you want, as long as your not to athletic and don't swing from the chandelier." I was surprised he said that but he really got me laughing after a remark like that, so was he and his nurse.
on 6/16/03 9:46 am - Tx
Geeeesh, Jennifer, Dr Clough is so funny. That is something I liked about him, he isnt all stuffy and serious. I am glad the pre-op meeting went well with him. I am exactly 29 days from surgery. After you have yours I want details such as what is the first thing they have you do when you get to the hospital, 2nd thing, 3rd thing, you get the picture. LOL Knowing will make me feel better. I am still NOT over the epidural thing. I will have it because Dr Clough says it is the best pain managment for me but I don't have to like the thought of having it do I? LOL
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