Pureed foods?

on 1/1/06 4:51 am - Royal Oak, MI
I am about to move from the "full liquid" stage to the pureed food stage for two weeks, but I am confused about what is permitted at this stage. I've read and re-read my surgical handbook, which seems to suggest (indirectly) that the main things I can puree are vegetables and fruits...but I despise cooked vegetables and have successfully avoided them my entire adult life. (I've always preferred salad or raw veggies and dip). So, my question is whether the pureed foods stage includes other things pureed? For example, at this stage, can I puree canned tuna or the pre-cooked chicken? I know to avoid anything high in carbs or fat, even pureed. Any other suggestions for this phase? Thank you in advance! Theresa

on 1/1/06 7:56 am - Sterling Heights, MI
Hey Theresa, You can have cottage cheese, loosely scrambled eggs with shredded cheese, I could not add pureed meat till my 28th day though. You need to remember to chew till its like paste. Not very appetizing but most neccessary. I was not very impressed with this stage of my diet and kind of kept going with the liquids too. Just could not bring myself to run anything through the blender. Take it easy. Blessings, Michelle
deborah wiegand
on 1/1/06 7:59 am - Macomb, MI
Have you tried V-8 juice? you can have stained cream soups also. I know this will sound gross but I pureed about a 1/2 oz of chicken into mashed yams and it was actually pretty good. You have to make sure it's creamy consistency. Good Luck, Deborah
on 1/1/06 8:23 am - Royal Oak, MI
Thank you, Michelle and Deborah. Looks like things are going to be pretty uninteresing in food land the next two weeks. Oh well, this too shall pass! I guess my stepmother was right when she used to tell me that my aversion to cooked vegetables would catch up with me someday! ( I hate admitting that she was right!) I'm also hearing mixed messages about potato soups...are they okay or not? I've read that they're okay because we are consuming such small amounts that the carbs aren't "dangerous", but I've also read to avoid them because of the carbs in the potatoes. What are your thoughts/experiences? Back to my broth and sugar-free pudding.... Theresa
Beth Hand (was

on 1/1/06 11:55 am - Fowlerville, MI
Hi Theresa! I remember reading in our big book that runny mashed potatoes were good during the full liquid stage, so I imagine they'd be ok during the pureed. The homemade potato cheddar soup I made (twice, everyone loved it!) seemed to sit just fine with me, eating 1/3-1/2 cup at a meal. The addition of non-fat cheddar cuts out some of the carbs so I think it was pretty balanced. I've done the cottage cheese too - great source of protein (14g per 1/2 cup), and with my horrible experience with protein drinks, it's pretty much all I've been able to depend on. Hope all is well with you! Beth
sue wentworth
on 1/1/06 11:51 am - bay city, MI
Theresa, When I was at that step I loved refries beans with a dash of water in them to make them loose then added cheese good protein for you I also liked tuna canned in (water) another good protein builder for you . I remember feeling like I couldn't handle this step for long but the v8 juice with protein added sure gave me the boost I needed. Sure hope this helps you God Bless Sue
on 1/1/06 10:33 pm - St. Clair Shores, MI
Theresa~All I can say is that Wendy's Chili became my best friend during this phase!!! I would buy two of them at a time so I didn't have to keep running out to get it, I'd come home and puree them both, pour them both back into the container...eat a 1/2cup of it with a little shredded cheese on it and put the rest in the fridge for later!! One small 99 cent thing of Wendy's chili was two meals for me...talk about a cheap date!! And it just tasted so good to be eating "real" food...even though it was pureed and looked really gross, it was the best thing!! And refried beans if I needed something different!! Good luck!!! Hugs, Cheryl
on 1/1/06 11:26 pm - MI
I know I am going to hear about this...wendy's Chili is my best friend as well. However...My surgrey was Dec 2..over the past week I hae had roast beef, chicken from chicken and dumplins(no dumplins ),turkey,pinto beans, etc..get my drift? HOWEVER, all these things were chewed up so fine they were like baby food when I swallowed. My nut saidanything I could put in the blender I could have.so my teeth became my blender . my nut could not believe all the things I have tried but I am still verrrryyyyy careful with the chewing..don't want anything stuck. GOOD LUCK!!!! NIK
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