Incredible Shopping Moment

Full of Life
on 1/2/06 6:47 am - Broken Arrow, OK
We went to the Salvation Army store in Rochester Hills today. It was bitter sweet for me. The bitter: I'm putting my kids in public school on Wednesday. I'm very sad about it, but I haven't been able to do school like I should and I know I won't be able to for a while yet. I've always done what's BEST for them and right now, that's not homeschool. So, we bought them tons of clothes. Got GREAT deals!!! (although I was shocked to see undergarments in a resale shop - GROSS) The sweet: I bought myself two pairs of jeans - SIZE 6!!!!! I also bought a size 6 pair of capri's and a size 4 pair, but they're a little too tight for now. I bought a button down jean shirt that was a SIZE XS - Can you believe that Xtra Small!!!!!!!!!! Ha!! I look at my preop pics and can't believe I've gone from that to this in 7 short months!!! Laurie - still waiting to see Dr. Wood and get my surgery date
Pam O.
on 1/2/06 7:40 am - Mt.Pleasant, MI
Hey Laurie, Glad to see you got out and about today. Selling undergarments at the resales shops should be Outlawed.. that's just nasty!!! Hope you start to feel better soon... Pam
(deactivated member)
on 1/2/06 9:24 am - Roseville, MI
I love that salvation army. That is the best one around. Usually on New Years Day they have half off all their clothing. Did they have any deals left?? I have not been out there in a long time. I used to live less than 5 minutes from there so I mis****ting the store often. I will have to make an effort to get out there more. Congrats on the size 6s. I hope I can get down to an 8 someday. I am into a size 12 pants now, and size medium shirts. What an accomplishment for you. Suzanne 300/161/150
on 1/2/06 10:22 am - Oblivion, MI
today was the 1/2 price day on clothing i dont care too much for the rochester sal army. they tend to be VERY pricey on certain items and well, i guess you kinda would expect that for rochester, but $20 for a stuffed animal that you could win at the fair seems a little much for me, i mean seeing as all the stuff they take in is at 100+% profit since they are all donated items. Dont get me wrong I think its all well and good for them to raise the money that way--but some things at that store are just silly priced, but again, like i stated, I think its just because of the area.
on 1/2/06 10:36 am - suburban, MI
Wow congratulations Laurie, I'm so happy for you. I can't even imagine being that small, I bet it's a wonderful feeling Hugs Salina
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