Can we get this site up and running again

on 5/8/14 3:07 am - Kalamazoo, MI
RNY on 10/06/14

Hey people do you think we can get this site going again?  It would be nice to talk to people from Michigan.  Wonder if anyone has used my surgeon Dr Kibwe Weaver out of Kalamazoo,  Bronson Bariatrics.  I am going to the support groups they offer those are interesting.

If your interested in talking about your experience, talk to me, I'll check this site a couple times a day.

Take Care


on 5/9/14 11:15 am

Hi Dale,

Well, I'm here.  I was excited to see there is a board for all state and thought there would be a lot going on here but unfortunately, it seems to be dead as a doorknob.  I am in Ann Arbor, have a lap band but it will be coming out as soon as insurance approves.  After that, we will see what the surgeon found while he is in there and hopefully I will get the Sleeve.

What type of WLS have you had or are going to have?



on 5/9/14 2:13 pm - Kalamazoo, MI
RNY on 10/06/14

Hi Sunshine

Glad you  answered.  I think I may have seen your name in other forums.  I am new to all this.  I am hoping to get the ok from my doc on June 5, and they will set me up for an RNY.

I have never done this before but at my first appt with the Doc I asked for the sleeve he said that after reading my chart I would benefit more with the RNY because I need to lose so much weight.  He gave me this web address to listen to others that are in different stages of wls.  He asks  that all his patients attend at least one support group in the area. There are four a month. Interesting.

So have you met goal weight with the band?  Did it help.  Where did you have the surgery ?  Do you have to do all the preop stuff again you know the upper gi, dietician appts, psych eval.....cardiologist, liquid diet before surgery?

Hope all goes well for you, thanks for answering

on 5/10/14 2:41 am

Hi Dale,

yes, I have made a few posts.  I'm not really new to OH, just left for a few years after having my band.  I did lose 79 pounds and felt so good after that loss.  But, it was mainly due to all the vomiting because the band is so fickle.  I followed the rules to a "T" but never knew when the band was going to react badly.  I called it having arguments with the band, instead of constantly having to explain that I was gone so long because I was puking.

No, I wasn't even close to getting to goal but 79 pounds is a lot to lose.  I had it done in Detroit, the experience was fine.  But I don't yet know what I will have to redo after the band is removed.  My surgeons group doesn't discuss it with me until after the removal and then I will be a new patient to them.  At that point, they will fill me in.  I hope not all of it.  But I did make sure I got insurances in place so that hopefully, the only thing I will be paying is the monthly premium.  My surgeon also said that he thought I would benefit more from RNY but we could look into the sleeve as well.  I already have reflux and am reading that is an issue with the sleeve.  But I am not real happy with the re-routing and the aspect of regaining so easily.  I found out how easy it was to do after the band and don't want to do that again.

I don't mind going to support groups either if they are well organized.  My first surgeon had them but they were not well organized and difficult for me to get to, too far away.  The whole program this time around sounds much more organized and I am hoping will be very educational.

Right now, I am waiting for the insurance approval for band removal.

Well, maybe this will just be you and I on here.  So, let's keep each other going, ok?



on 5/10/14 8:44 am - Kalamazoo, MI
RNY on 10/06/14

Hi Karen

Sorry to hear about all that arguing.  Does it hurt to do that with the lap band? Did it just quit working?  (to nosey of me)  I didn't want to do the lap band because I didn't want to keep going back for what do they call it tightening up? Vomiting would be a real "no" for me and lap band.

I had my tonsils out last summer and spent 2 nites at the hospital because I vomited continuously (bad reaction to morphine)  that really hurts on a raw throat.  I fear that happening when I have my RNY surgery.  Making a list of questions to ask the Dr at my appt.

I also, thought the sleeve would be the least evasive, but the Dr. thought he could get rid of the acid reflux with the RNY and all the other medical issues.  I was not sure at my first appt if I would go through with the surgery  but my Dr didn't try to sell me on anything (I really liked that) he just plain said this is what I think you should do after reading your chart and this is how I think you could lose all the weight you want to.  He said that if I had a large amount of weight to lose the RNY is the tool.  Suggested I go to this sight and the hospitals support group. 

He also said that with the sleeve the acid reflux could get worse.

I am waiting for insurance approval, and my Dr had a list of things/appts to do before he sees me again (3 months between 1st appt and second).  His office has this well planned alot of thought has gone into these steps, especially for insurance approval. 

I have only been to two support groups and they had an agenda for both.  Discussed what we would like for future meetings.

We could start a new topic if you want, it might make it look like there are more people on this site.  I'm so new at this sometimes I don't know what to say so I just read.

Thanks for responding





on 5/14/14 2:50 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi Dale and Karen,

Im Carla im origanally from Benton Harbor but have left the state years ago! My sister still lives in Dewitt., i had my RNY in Colorado 12 years ago. I have managed to keep off 150 pounds. But recently have had a regain of about 18?pounds and am starting a back on track program with a surgeon in St Pete Fl., My husband and I now live between Bradenton Florida and Chicago Il.,

My sister had a lap band and had the same problems you all are having. She had hers removed also. She was not revised to a sleeve or Rny. But has kept the weight off. 

I started out at 267 and now am at 147 today. My highest weight was 285. Im 5ft 2in.

After i lost all my weight I got thyroid cancer and I think thatvis causing a lot of the regain. I want to keep it at bay cause I dint want it to creep back in! 

I also had a liwer bady lift and my arms done.

If you have any questions chime in. Ill check back.

Carla Slavin-Klein.    [email protected]

image hosting site

on 5/14/14 12:47 pm

HI Carlac,

Glad you decided to join in.  I don't understand why people aren't posting on this board, maybe they don't realize it's here.??  it must have been rough to be hit with cancer after all that.  Are you in treatment now for it, remission, etc.?

on 5/15/14 8:52 am - Bradenton, FL

I am six years out from Thyroid cancer! Doing very well thankyou for asking. I did develope low cortosol levels and am on prednosone wich is causing a slight weight gain. But the surgeon is working with me. Gained about 16 pounds. Carla

image hosting site

on 5/14/14 1:17 pm - Jackson, MI
VSG on 01/05/15

Hi Dale,

I was just looking at Bronson as a possible place to have my surgery, and am seriously thinking about attending the info meeting on the 19th. I was supposed to go to a meeting at U of M on the 7th, but got lost, so I missed it. The next seminar they could get me into is in August and I don't really want to wait that long. It also sounds like the Bronson program works a little quicker than UofMs, getting you into surgery sooner. I realize that for some people, the longer program would be better, but I am ready for surgery right now! :o)

on 5/14/14 3:29 pm - Kalamazoo, MI
RNY on 10/06/14


I have had a couple of surgeries at Bronson and I did ok (not WLS). 

I went to the info meeting in October 2013, then couldn't decide so I started reading to get info on the WLS and asking people about it.  The thing I really liked about Dr Weaver is that he did not try to talk me into it,  he was pretty no nonsense and friendly.  He said I looked at your chart and the sleeve is not the surgery for you.  I suggest the RNY because it could do away with the BP, cholesteral, sleep apnea, diabetes, IBS, and acid reflux, as well as be the best tool to lose the amount of weight I need to.  He then said if I have any questions call. We chatted a while.  The nurse gave me a check list of appts to do until my 3 month appt. 

You should go to the info meeting on the 19th.  My insurance does not require a waiting period, like some insurance.  It would be nice to know someone that has had the surgery in Kalamazoo.  The Dr also would like to have you attend at least one support group meeting there are 4 every month 2 at Bronson and 2 at Borgess (not mandatory).  I have attended two of the lunch groups and have talked to people that Dr Weaver worked on.   The groups appear to have decent agenda and also open the floor for questions.  There were people two weeks out, a few months out and 3 years or more out, so you could hear about all different stages.  Let me know if you decide on Bronson maybe we could meet sometime in the future.  No pressure

I hope I am not being nosey but do you have to travel far for the surgery?  I'm lucky I live right in town.

Good luck, here's to us taking action to get us healthier.  I'll post after my appt June 5 and let you know if they set my surgery date then so you might have a similar time frame (depending on insurance).  I check this board daily to.  I wi**** was busier like the RNY.


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