It's getting closer

on 8/1/08 9:23 am - Helena, MT
It's coming up soon, My lap band, Sept. 15th. I'm getting alittle scared, but also excited. It's going to be a whole new life for me, but I hope a better one, I've been over weight all my life, I want to be thin and get to have nice clothes, but most of all just to be healthier. Bobbie
on 8/1/08 12:58 pm - MT
Congratulations on your surgery date Bobbie!  Where are you having your surgery and who is your surgeon? 

on 8/2/08 4:02 am - Sheridan, MT
Hi Bobbie! 

Congratulations!   It will be here before you know it!  Good Luck on your journey with your new tool to help you become a healthier, thinner and more fashionable you!  That's terrific! 
Keep us posted!!

on 8/5/08 11:36 am - Helena, MT
David Rohrer
Great Fall

Thanks you guy's, yes I know it's going to be a new life, it's just sad that I have to have this operation to lose wieght, but I guess sometimes we just need alittle help. Bobbie
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