10-27-03 RNY Leaking through stitched area. Anyone else??

Monica B.
on 12/1/03 11:34 pm - Billings, MT
Hi Everyone, I had my surgery 10-27-03. Went as perfect as can be but now through a small area in the sucture, it is leaking an orangey clear liquid. The first time we all freaked out, the second time we laughed. I told my surgeon to call me "Old Faithful" and my kids still do. All the medical people including my primary doc. says it's ok it's jus****er built up in that area and don't worry about it. But.... that area wont heal because it keeps leaking. Has anyone else had this problem? I just want to know I'm not the only one. I wanted to keep up on this board when I first found it but couldn't find a before pic. (because I don't allow pix. being taken of me) then the ones I did take were ruined from the camera. I have lost 30 pounds and been stuck for 2 weeks, gets frustrating but I know it will start up again but when???? Have to go get ready for appointment, weigh-in. Happy Holidays
Tammy P.
on 12/3/03 4:22 am - Post Falls, ID
Monica, I did not have the same problem, but a friend did. She just kept it clean, and tried to keep it dry. It eventually stopped. 30# CONGRATS! Where in Montana are you? I'm in Kalispell. --Tammy
charlotte C.
on 12/15/03 2:09 am - eureka, MT
i had cancer surgery 14 years ago and had that problem also it took about 3 weeks to heal. i had bariactric surgery in missoula on september 15 2003 i weighed in at a wopping 416lbs i am down to 348 now and am feeling good i can bend over tye my shoes walk with-out becoming winded shop till i drop, it's wonderful. i live in eureka mt. sincerly. char....
Monica B.
on 12/19/03 11:51 pm - Billings, MT
Tammy! I live in Billings Montana. Sorry I haven't emailed you back but everytime I checked to see if someone answered me no one had so I stopped checking. I am in the process of getting ready for a support group so can't type long . Have a Great X-mas !!
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