Bariatric Surgeons in Billings

Carrie B.
on 1/8/04 9:41 am - Miles City, MT
I was told buy a friend who is a Physicians Assistant in Glendive, that there are two guys doing wls in Billings now. They are part of the surgery associates out of St. Vincent's. Has anyone else heard this?
Desiree H.
on 1/8/04 2:16 pm - Billings, MT
It is true indeed. I had surgery here in Billings on 10-27-03. My Doctor is George Bentzel. He is wonderful. The other Doctor is Dennis Maier. He also seems great. I had an appointment this week and I believe they have done about 20 surgeries or so now. They only perform the open procedure. All seems to be going well for me and I would recommend my doctor in a heartbeat.
Linn D.
on 1/29/04 3:12 pm - Missoula, MT
This may just be a bias, but the surgeon I consulted with in Great Falls does lap RNY (has done ~225 of them) and he says he can make the pouch smaller than if it were done by the open procedure because of the magnification. Because the pouch starts smaller, it ends up smaller as well, so keeping the weight off long term is easier. That was important for me. As long as you're in Miles City and would have to drive anyway, you might look into the surgeons in Great Falls. I saw both Dr. Rohrer and Dr. Allen, and liked Dr. Allen and is staff better. To each his own, but I would put more trust in a surgeon who has performed more of these - especially if I had the choice. Good Luck!!
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