Help for noninsured

Summer D.
on 4/7/04 6:31 am - Belgrade, MT
I just attended a seminar in Billings at St. Vincent's Hospital. To make a very long story short, if you are a patient at St. Vincent's and cannot pay for the surgery, a bank will give you a low-interest loan for the surgery. I will post more info when I get it. The number for the weight management clinic is 587-6165 or 18006696406 or 2482237. These people sound really nice and the doctors have experience, one is from Pennsylvania and has done a lot of these surgeries. Good luck to all, I hope this is true because it will offer help to all of us out there who cannot get insurance because of our current weight. e-mail me at [email protected] for more info or check postings.
Ruby S.
on 4/7/04 6:57 am - Great Falls, MT
That's great information! I hope that everything works out for you Summer. Don't give up the fight...
Linn D.
on 4/7/04 11:08 am - Missoula, MT
Summer, I understand that there are very likely other hospitals that have similar medical loan situations set up. I know that here in Missoula St. Pats has a similar set-up with (I think) Wells Fargo. The surgeons here are also starting to do surgery lap. Just something else to consider. I didn't have it done here since the bariatric center here wasn't very helpful to me when my BMI was right on the edge and they didn't do it lap at the time. Good Luck, and I hope you find just the right situation for you, Linn
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