A goal near reached

on 4/7/11 1:09 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada

Well on feb 24th Dr Ellsmere gave me a goal to lose 30 pounds before surgery. Since i was 430.1 then, I knew it would be a while before i knew where my weight was going..or not lol because no scale would weight me. Well a girlfriend in Ontario told me of the biggest loser scales and that they weighed up to 400 pounds. So when i told my best friend, she dragged me out to wally mart n we bought them. Well that saturday night 3 weeks ago..i stepped on for just the hell of it, and of course... "ERR" showed. So i waited. well each time each week i tried but to no avail i saw "ERR". Well last week i jumped on n it twas a lil different...it went "0-0-0-0-ERR" even seeing those little 0's going across the screen before the ERR gave me hope lol

Well yesterday afternoon, after having a poo lol i though ahh what a better time to try again. Well OMG to my surprise it read 402.4...i immediately jumped off..thought..OMG is that right lol and i jumped back on... whoooo hooo lol it said the same 402.4 Needless to say i was so excited i called everyone i could think lol. Felt like i was rewarded for increasing my walk to 35 minutes that day lol  all of it is surely paying off.

Thanks to everyone for your valued support and ear along my journey. It is much needed and very much appreciated. 



on 4/7/11 1:37 am - Canada
Yay!!!! Great work!!!!!
on 4/7/11 2:41 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada

Nannydeb you've helped me so much, especially last week when having some higher sugar levels...and your suggestion of making sure i had my snacks.

Keep letting us know of your progress and how u are doing on your pre op diet.... I know anything will be helpful for me as well as others...n from what i am learning...support helps us all




on 4/7/11 2:57 am - Canada
We all need support!  I know this forum has been a wonderful thing for me.  Weather permitting, I may drive up to the Truro for the support group meeting and fially get to meet you. 
Keep Walking !
on 4/11/11 1:45 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
I would love to meet you nannydeb,  and hope it's a nice day for you to be able to come....i can't wait.



on 4/7/11 9:08 am - Beaver Bank, Canada
Way to go NSBlue!!! 
A that's a mighty victory!!! 
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
on 4/11/11 1:49 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Thanks so much Coreen. Doing everything  as I should, it seems to be coming together... i cant believe  i am walking 2 miles now in one half hour that i could barely walk little stretches in the hopsital without gasping 19 months ago.....it feels good when everything finally clicks in and works.



A in NS
on 4/7/11 11:25 am
That is terrific news!!!  It's funny, I've never actually met you, yet I could not be happier if you were my oldest friend!!!  So inspirational!!!  :))   CONGRATS!!!! 
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 4/11/11 1:52 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada

thanks so much Angie, n i feel the same, that you all feel like friends i've had for years. I guess it's the common struggle we all share that we can know each others heart so well. xox




on 4/13/11 11:10 pm - Glace Bay, Canada
Persistence and patience works! 

I so happy for you.
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