Introducing myself - just starting on the path

on 10/1/10 10:53 am - Henderson, NV
Just starting on the path to researching if WLS is the right option for me.  It's already been challenging.  My insurance company sends me to the 3rd party payer.  The third party payer sends me to the pre-approval for surgery.  Their nurse calls me to tell me the requirements and then for the next step tells me to call the 3rd party payer to find out my in-network bariatric doctors.  When I call, they tell me that they don't know, never had a request for this. 

Kinda makes the head spin.
on 10/5/10 7:39 am - NV
Lynne don't get discourge there is always a lot of red tape. I just had my lap ban done on Oct -8. I used DR. Umbach he is in henderson on sunset and stephine he is a great doctor and he was in my network I'm on Tricare. give him a call its blossom bariatics . tell him jim delao sent you.
let me know if I can help or you have any question. Jim Delao 
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