Vegas Psychiatrist Needed - Reccommendations?

on 1/18/11 4:11 am - Las Vegas, NV
Hi friends!

I'm almost 5 years post op and going through some very difficult psychological/body image/negative self talk/sleep/focus/blah blah blah  issues that  have slowly been creeping up, but they're coming to a head and I need to take care of them before they become major problems.

Looking for any reccommendations for a Psychiatrist in the Vegas area that are good with dealing with weight loss surgery post op patients. Also that take Cigna insurance.  I checked into Lindsay Ricciardi's office, but she has a waiting list and might not be taking insurance anymore, which she seemed like the best option.
Any advice/reccommendations would be much appreciated. 

on 1/18/11 10:35 am - Las Vegas, NV
That's unfortunate about Lindsay. Her husband happens to be my primary MD. When I changed jobs and needed new PCP...chose him because I recognized the name. Turns out...while he's an internal medicine doctor...he specializes in bariatric aftercare. I got extremely lucky.






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