My Dr is Dr Umbach-

on 1/20/11 10:58 am
Any opinions on Dr Umbach?
on 1/23/11 4:01 am - Las Vegas, NV
Read the following profile...  adwinters12345. That's all I will say on this subject.






on 2/4/11 7:56 am - Las Vegas, NV
 Dr. Umbach is my surgeon and my surgery is scheduled for next Wednesday, the 9th. 

I have no complaints about all of the pre-op care I have received. I read the profile of the person linked above and it's a very sad story. I am also sure that there is ANOTHER side to the story. 

I feel horrible for what she has gone through, but I have always heard great things about him and know people that have done very well. 

Good luck in your choices!! :) 
on 2/7/11 10:42 am
Thanks for your reply.  I have my second appointment with Dr on the 17th.  I am very excited for you and your upcoming surgery.  How have you prepared for your surgery?  Any good reading?  Someone posted a pamphlet last week that their doctor gave them.  It was very informative.  I'll be praying for you on Wednesday.
~ Dana ~
on 2/9/11 10:03 pm - Henderson, NV
I completely agree you need to review all dr's before making a decision....I also know Ashley and to this day is still having serious problems....remember all the forums you read you only read the positive stories, most others are deleted so you dont know the know the horror stories.

Make sure you do your homework on the Drs!

~ Dana ~


on 2/10/11 3:28 am
I'm having band done by him next Wed.
on 2/10/11 1:10 pm - Las Vegas, NV
 My surgery yesterday went flawlessly. I feel pretty good! They took good care of me and Dr.Umbach was great... my nurses were awesome. I am home, walking my butt off and feel great!

LilySlim Weight loss tickers
on 2/16/11 5:44 pm - Las Vegas, NV
He is my Dr.  I love him!! Everyone is great at the office.  Yes I read the posting and it is very sad.  I looked up everything I could find about him and that was the only time he was sued,will that I could find.  I think she had her surgery in Mexico. Good luck. Best wishes.

on 2/25/11 10:00 pm - Las Vegas, NV
Shana...Ashley had her surgery at Desert Springs. She's only 31 yo and shouldn't be going through this. She had surgery up in UT. few weeks ago for yet ANOTHER hernia repair. I'm not talking "crap" about any surgeon...but Dana's right on...everyone just RESEARCH.
Ashley has never been through any surgery easily...and for the record...there is NOT a suit against Dr. U by her(attorneys said not worth their time in NV. due to malpractice cap)






on 3/2/11 9:47 am - Las Vegas, NV
I never thought you were talking "crap".  I most have got my info mixed up.  I thought I read she had it done in Mexico, I was wrong. You are right everyone must do there own research.  Have a great day.

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