
on 12/17/11 12:36 am - NY
Well, I guess I've had my first setback. Came home Dec. 2, felt pretty good. clear liquids were going well, though I did crave just a little food, i stayed strong and didn't cheat. So on Dec. 8th was my first postop visit. Was glad to be given green light to start food. However I told the doctor that i had been passing gas, but hadn't moved my bowels. He said I should have had a bm and to go home and do a fleets. So I did, and I had a good result. 4 days later, back to the doctors office because I was having really bad left shoulder pain into the neck and jaw. Now, I'm a registered nurse, so I know I wasn't having a cardiac event. And the doctor did say that due to the hiatal hernia repair I may have some arm pain. While now on the 12th his pa tells me, it's orthopedic and I should go get a ortho visit. (she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about) Now it's yesterday, the 16th and I'm in my local ER. Why we wonder? Well, right sided kidney stone (i have a hx of them), dehydrated, and lo and behold, constipated. I swear I never was so obsessed with moving my bowels. ER gave me MOM. When I told the bariatric nurse this she told me to be careful and only use 2 tbsp. 8 hours later, I finally had a BM. Not to mention my husband is now obsessed with my fluid intake. I am so frustrated. Please tell me it will get easier to know my new body chemistry and I'll figure out poops and fluids. Hope all have a good holiday, and I know were all together in this. Just needed to vent.
on 12/17/11 1:29 am - Ballston spa, NY
It does get easier as time passes.  At first it is hard to drink, eat etc.  slowly but surely it not difficult at all to get in your fluids, protein etc without even thinking about it.

on 12/22/11 7:48 am - NY
Now, a "yeast" issue inside my belly button. On Diflucan. I can handle this though.
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