How We Survive the Insanity

on 5/12/12 4:52 am - Oklahoma City, OK
 so we have all been there. We reached a goal, but now....well now things are slowly reverting back to the times when life was easier. Burgers and fries were a quick pick-me-up instead of that damned chicken and veggies. One Dr. Pepper won't hurt... 

Is this you? Have you been successful and then fallen off the proverbial wagon a mere couple years later? Have you finally realized that you can't eat potato chips for dinner anymore? Ahhh... The honeymoon is over and it's just not fair. 

Life goes on. The false sense of hope has now turned to the morbid realization that now we have to actually work at losing and maintaining our weights. Depression sets in and the roller coaster starts dragging our sorry rear ends right back down to reality at a frightening pace. 

I am reaching out to the community, what are you doing to make your life as successful in years 4 and 5 as they were when you were just starting out after surgery? Please, spare me the "I exercise and eat healthy" sermon because frankly this message isn't for you. Great that you have managed to stick with all the changes. I want to hear from the people who started a downward spiral and then managed to turn it all around. 

Did you start a new diet? Did you join a specific group? What made you realize you were headed in the old accustomed direction? How are you dealing with that old familiar depression that lurks around the corner?
on 5/12/12 7:13 am - Cibolo, TX
I am counting calories, I guess you'd say.  I am tracking everything I eat on myfitnesspal and I am exercising 4-5 days a week, fibromyalgia be darned.  It gets harder to stick with the initial "surgery" habits when you're further out and I will admit I managed to put on a good amount of weight between meds, health issues, and just general bad habits.  I got depressed about it, then I decided to do something about it.  I have lost 30-odd lbs now since the start of the year and I have around 20 to go.  I will not give up at this point, even when it gets frustrating to stick with it.  I want fast food so bad at my lunches you wouldn't believe it.  I miss sugar.  However, it's getting easier as time goes by.  I'm staying around 1000-1200 calories a day, by the way.  I have gone from 190 lbs to 160 lbs and I am trying to maintain around 140-145 lbs.  I will be 8 years post-op in August and I have also had 2 babies, since my RNY.   It's been a rollercoaster, but I wouldn't change it (except maybe to have better habits all along, but we live and learn).


~*Renae*~ Open RNY 8/3/04 **  (rockmyskinnyjeans on MFP)
Post-op Mommy x 2 (Krysten 12/1/05 Tyson 10/3/08) 334/303/136/135

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on 10/17/12 2:33 pm - Oklahoma City, OK
I will be truthful and admit I cant give you any words of wisdom. I am almost 4 years out at this point and yes I have the bad habits back in my life I live on Mt Dew most of the time it feels like and yes I KNOW they are bad for me but I am one of these ones who still experiences a large amount of restriction which I am sure is my saving grace from not gaining weight back like others have. I can still only eat a very small amount and have been steady in my weight for almost 3 years now. Yet I can see that if I didnt have the amount of restriction I do I would be back gaining weight back. I dont exercise like I did tho am much more active than I was at 400+ pounds but no where as much as I was when working so hard for that initial loss. I wish I had some magic words for you oh do I because I know that we all need them at times. 
Having the time of my life!

on 11/11/12 4:09 am - Cibolo, TX

I never really gained until I was over 6 years out from the RNY.  I stayed in about a 10 lb range for the first 6 years and I developed dreadful habits and didn't exercise like I should.  All the sudden, I was faced with a 60'ish lb regain of my weight and no one to blame but myself.  I had to lose all that weight again, on my own, without the help of the surgery.  I still eat most things within moderation, but I've learned how to incorporate in plenty of exercise now.  The honeymoon is definitely over, but I'm in maintenance again now and learning to stay in it again.

~*Renae*~ Open RNY 8/3/04 **  (rockmyskinnyjeans on MFP)
Post-op Mommy x 2 (Krysten 12/1/05 Tyson 10/3/08) 334/303/136/135

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