GOOD MORNING OKIES!!! And anyone else who comes

on 7/3/03 11:42 pm - PORT CHARLOTTE, FL
Hi, my name is Lisa and I'm a recovering food last "huge" meal was in November of 2002, before my, just having fun..... I had WLS in Enid, Oklahoma with a most amazing man named Dr. Greg Walton!!! LOVE HIM!!!! I have lost 75 pounds as of this morning, which may be a bit slower than some lose, but it is exactly what I "ordered"!! lol I am losing slow and steady, so this is giving my body the chance to firm back up a bit as I lose, and that is what I want. I have more energy, more zest for life than I have had in the past 10 years. I am eating better, feeling better and enjoying life every single day!!!!!!!! I would love to discuss anything with anyone who wishes to ask questions, gripe, yell, cry, there are so very many emotions that we, as WLS folks go through..... but I can testify honestly.....this surgery was well worth all of the changes we endure!! At least for me it has been. This has been, and still is, a most amazing journey that I find myself on. I often wonder if when Dr. Walton was reworking my plumbing inside, (giggle), he slipped in a hypnosis tape somewhere that continually plays positive affirmations about not liking sweets and!! It's like night and day for me...before the surgery, loving cookies, doughnuts, cotton candy!!! OMG, that was my very now, since the surgery, SOMETHING has changed in my little brain! It's like, I think I want this sugar cookie because it looks so goooood....but then after one bite, that's it....I don't want it anymore! Bread stuff is the same way! I know prefer mostly meat, cheese, eggs.....I do throw in veggies, salads and such, but for some reason I don't care for the sweet stuff and the breads! Hmmmmm, makes me wonder if they are using hypnosis while we are "under"!!! lol Anyway, I am going to make it a point to be around the board more often, so if I can help anyone with anything, I will try and throw my 2 cents worth in right a long with eveyone else!! I'm really glad that we now have our very own OKLAHOMA board.....this is very cool, as is this entire site!!! What an awesome support group this is for everyone who wishes to participate on these boards!!! Ok, I will quit typing for now so someone can read love and light to you all! Lisa
Cindy M.
on 7/4/03 4:10 am
Happy 4th Lisa, I am from Moore, Ok... I am seeing the surgeon on Monday. I am excited about that. I think that I have everything I need to get the letter written to the insurance company... I am going to Mercy Surgical Weight Control Center. I will be using Dr. Tortoro. I think that finally I have the first leg of the journey over. The next is getting approved by the insurance company. I am Morbidly obese, and have co-morbities. Cindy
on 7/5/03 8:58 am - Jennings, Ok
Hello, I have been out of state and did not know this even was here.I had my surgery on 5-7-03. So far so good I'm down 50lbs. I'm thrilled I had to buy new shoes today because I have lost weight of my feet(lol) I'm still getting into the swing of things about eating. Most food has lost it's appeal to me. I still don't care for protien shakes,so far I can handle the atkins shakes,but not too well. I'm over by Tulsa,When School starts I will be in state all the time,right now My hubby works off so we stay with him for the summer. I will see if I can find a support group around this area I would love to go and meet others that go thur what we go thur now. Good luck to all and thanks Robin
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