Oklahoma WLS

Mary I.
on 7/4/03 5:02 am - Oklahoma, OK
Hi my name is Mary and I had WLS on April 28, 2003. So far I have lost 40 pounds. I guess that is about average. I know I feel better than I have in many years. I have about 70 more pounds to go and I am getting there for sure. This was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I am 62 years old just in case someone my age is thinking about this that is close to that and thinks it may not be for them. Do your research and decide for yourself and then go for it. My doctor is Dr. Keith and I think he is a great doctor if you are looking for a good doctor on the south side of Oklahoma City. I don't think I even gave it a second thought once I decided for sure to have the surgery. I was just about on my last leg and could see a wheel chair in my future if I didn't do something soon. I remember being in the bath room washing my hands and thinking I can't go any further my legs and back were hurting so bad. I'm sure most everyone on this board knows that feeling. Anyway, when my insurance finally sent my letter saying I was good to go with the surgery I just cried I was so happy. The day of the surgery I was very calm, I was a little nervous but more happy than nervous. My husband, my biggest supporter, we said our good byes when it was time to take me in and the next thing I remember someone was telling me "Mary, your surgery is over we are taking you to your room now". I do remember the next day thinking WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MYSELF? But that is about the only time and then I think it was because I was hurting. Once I was home and feeling better I have not regreted it one time. My husband is always telling me how great I am starting to look and my grandson who lives with us is always asking me " Grandma is that to much for you to eat?" So it is good to have the surport for the home base. I am starting to do some yard work now that I wasn't able to do last year at all and more around the house. As Martha would say, WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY. IT'S A GOOD THING. I don't know if she would say that about WLS but I sure do and thousands like me. God Bless and have a good day
Cindy M.
on 7/4/03 3:25 pm
That is great Mary. I am in Moore myself, but have been referred to Mercys Weight loss Program with Dr. Tortoro. Keep up the good work. Hugs Cindy
Gayle C.
on 7/13/03 2:55 pm - Oklahoma City, OK
Thank you for the post, Mary. I am 63 and just waiting on a date for surgery. Hopefully will have a date by Tuesday, Dr. Carter is my surgeon and am very anxious to have my surgery and get started losing weight. Gayle
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