
on 4/20/11 3:11 am - tillsonburg, Canada
Hi there,  My last doctors appointment before referal to the surgeon was scheduled for Easter Monday.  This morning I got a call cancelling my appointment until the 10th of May..  I was so dissapointed!  I had my sift covered for Monday and worked around the appointment for my family's Easter dinner.  Now not only do I have to book another day off of work but i'm missing out being in the seminar in June and will have to wait until July...then my referral will be passed on to the surgeon. I know some of you may find this as whinnig but i'm so dissapointed.  I've been in the process since Apri 2010, yes only one year but I was hoping to have surgery before September.  I have a huge work project starting in September that I've committed myself to.  I just feel that i was so close, only 5 more sleeps until I saw the surgeon and now 5 days before the appointment it's cancelled.  I feel that it's so unfair...now those behind me will be seeing the surgeon, going to the seminar and haviung surgery before me.  I need this surgery so bad and now I feel that i'm taking steps backwards.  Sorry for the whine but I thought it would be easier to get it off my chest here rather on the poor booking girl at the Windsor clinic.  Have a great day and thanks for listening.
on 4/20/11 3:23 am - Port Rowan, Canada

Perhaps I don't understand the process at Windsor, but I don't get why your appointment being put off until May 10th would also move your seminar out a month to July.   I went through Guelph and they were pretty strict about keeping people in place in the line up so that you didn't get bumped behind someone further out than you.


“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,
  but anyone can start today and make a new ending.? ~Maria Robinson

HW:  292 lbs          SW:  226 lbs        Clinic's GW:  160 lbs          My GW: 145 lbs
on 4/20/11 3:42 am - tillsonburg, Canada
That's exactly what I thought but I guess it's earier for them to rebook everyone cancelled on an extra doctors day than rescheduling everyone on the next doctors regular day.  The next seminar was June 5th but there is only 7 spots left  and with the doctor having a full day of appointment before my appointment there's no chance getting into it...so the next date is in June.  It does't seem fair to me.  I have tried to contact the person in charge but she hasn't returned my phone call.  Also they don't have a cancellation list so I can't even hope for that.  L
on 4/20/11 3:41 am - Athens, Canada
If it was me I would call back; let them know how disappointed you are and just confirm that this schedule change won't impact your being included in the June seminar. If you're schedule is flexible enough maybe you can ask to be put on a cancellation list.

I will keep my fingers crossed that this work out for you. Take care.
on 4/20/11 6:54 am - tillsonburg, Canada

Hi there, thanks for your response!  I did  call back to the manager of the until..  She just called and said that it would be so much work to actually push back all the appointments set up to accommodate those post-phoned.  She told me that I would be put on a cancellation list and when I asked for one of the seven seats left in June for the seminar she agreed.  Makes me so much happier.  Thanks again for your help.  So glad to have this site to look for answers to my problems and questions. 

on 4/20/11 4:12 am - Owen Sound, Canada
I understand your disappointment. I had my second appointment to see the nurse and the Nut on  May 3 (I've already seen the internist in Guelph) and they called yesterday and changed it till June 16th. Its like one step forward two steps back.
Hang in there and I will try to do the same.
on 4/20/11 6:59 am - tillsonburg, Canada
Hi there,
Misery likes company (so they say)  but i guess it's actually true.  I see now that  these disappointments are not just happening to me.  thanks for sharing your story with me.  Ha'll ve a great day and I'll be thinking about you on the 16th.
laura S.
on 4/20/11 4:14 am - London, Canada
I'm so sorry to hear that Laurie  :(  You must be so frustrated.  Try to roll with it and not let it get you down for long.  Of course you are going to be depressed for a little bit, but don't let it drag you down too far.  Try to think of it as more time to get healthy before surgery?  Don't hit me!  LOL  Just trying to find a silver lining somewhere, but I know how upset I would be and I feel for you.


on 4/20/11 7:04 am - tillsonburg, Canada
Hi Laura,
I actually cried when I told my husband about the cancellation.  But I'm over it now.  Was going to eat....that's what I would have done before starting this journey but instead I went to the drug store and bought some wrinkle cream LOL.  Thanks for being there for me.  Maybe we can meet for lunch one day?  Have a great evening.
laura S.
on 4/20/11 11:48 am - London, Canada
That would be great.  We definitely should!  Good for you on the positive attitude!!!

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