18 month update...a little late

on 10/11/11 6:30 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
I was really determined to give an 18 month update because I know how important they were to me when I was in the process of waiting for my surgery and the period right after.  It was like the carrot on a stick for me and really motivated me to keep pushing myself and believing that I could do this.  I hope that my update will help someone else in the same way.

I haven't lost much more since my one-year post op appt.  I have gone down another 9 - 10 lbs since then.  I have lost a total of 123 lbs give or take.  My weight still fluctates a bit, especially near my period.  Right now I am back up about 3 lbs which is freaking me out to be totally honest.  I have gone from wearing a size 3- 4 X in tops and 22 to 24 in pants to now wearing a medium in most tops and between a 6 - 8 in pants and skirts.  My original goal was to lose 130 lbs, so I still have a little ways to go before I reach that goal, and then I think I'd like to actually go down another 10 lbs after that.  Still trying to take baby steps because even after all this time it feels a little overwhelming to think about losing another 17 - 20 lbs.

My eating for the most part stays pretty good.  I'm the type of person who is happy eating the same things most of the time and am perfectly happy with salad and some chicken breast.  I don't need gourmet, fancy type meals and I don't bore easily so I don't have the need to always be searching for something different.  That being said, I love reading about recipes on here that others rave about....I then have to go home and try them out and I've found some new favourites.

I don't always eat well.  The time around my period is very difficult.  I crave salt and sometimes sweet as well, and end up eating potato chips or popcorn or something of the sort and maybe even some chocolate or icecream.  And then I find it hard to stop.  I still have to work on the self-discipline.  I'm really an all or nothing kind of person and have never been good at allowing myself a small treat.  It almost always turns into something bigger.

I still don't drink with meals and don't find it especially hard.   I do try to watch the clock to make sure I get a drink in before it is  meal time so that I'm not thirsty for the hour after a meal. 

I have begun to run!  That is the most exciting accomplishment for me.  I am trying to go every other day and can usually fit it in 3 times per week.  When I was out of town last week, I even made a point of running on the hotel treadmill twice.  I am now up to 4 - 4.5 km when I run and can usually do it in about 28 minutes.  My goal is to get up to running 5 km and then slowly try to increase my speed.  I'd like to start working on weight training as well.  Maybe I will look into getting a personal trainer for a little bit to show me how to do it and get me on a regular routine. On the days I don't run, I go for a walk with my husband and sometimes my youngest son comes along and we just spend quality time talking and laughing.

I still have to really try to remember my vitamins daily.  I'm hoping at some point it will become very routine, but it hasn't yet.  My blood work has all been really good with the exception of my iron.  For the past year it has been low.  My iron levels are at about 3 or 4 and my hemoglobin is at about 9.  I have tried 5 different kinds of iron and am now taking a chewable one but so far my iron levels have not come up.  I have an appt with my doctor next Monday and last time I saw her she was talking about an iron injection so we'll see next week I guess.

Overall I feel fabulous.  I have energy now.  I no longer make excuses to not walk up and down stairs.  If I have to bring laundry upstairs I just do it, I don't put it aside until the next time I'm going up.  I spent a summer without sweating profusely everytime I did anything!  In fact most of the time I find I am cold now!  Where I used to keep my a/c at about 68 degrees, this summer it was set between 72- 74 degrees and I still had my blanket handy for when I felt chilly.  I easily worked in my garden, had no problem mowing the lawn.  I can do things with my kids now and enjoy the time we spend together and not feel uncomfortable or tired.  In January we took a family trip to Disney World in Florida and I rode my first real roller coaster!  I didn't have any worries about not being able to fit.  We walked for hours and hours and I never had to stop because my back was sore or my feet were sore.  We enjoyed our time and never once did I have to worry about my size.  It is a great feeling. 

I can't say enough good things about this surgery.  It hasn't all been smooth sailing though.  I did and do have constipation issues (related to the iron) so I take restor-a-lax daily and that helps.  I did have my gall bladder out and had a hernia repair at the same time.  During that surgery the surgeon found a bowel intussusception which he also fixed and now we are keeping an eye on that.  However those are small inconveniences compared to what the surgery has given me.  I do not regret having the surgery for one minute and wish I had done it years earlier.

I've added some before and after pics below.  My afters don't look a lot different from the ones I posted at a year post-op though.  Also the quality isn't great.  I took them myself in my partially renovated bathroom because I still have an issue for posing for pics.  Although I am elated with my weight loss and accomplishments, I still don't like the way I look in pictures.  But because I know they are helpful, I will post them.




    This is me in my old jeans, hard to tell

  This is me standing in one leg of my old jeans

Glitter Text Generator
on 10/11/11 6:38 am
RNY on 02/28/12
You were clearly always beautiful but honestly, you look like two different people.  Even after scrolling back and forth it was hard to see the new you inside the old you.  Thank you for your honest post...the good the bad and the ugly.  As a pre-op right now, it is good to hear some of the real-life experiences from someone in the know.

Good luck with all your exercising and with keeping the weight off.

on 10/11/11 6:50 am - Orillia, Canada
W O W ! ! !

Amazing - all the hard work has definitely paid off.



                 "Don't trade what you want the most,
                    for what you want at the moment."


on 10/11/11 8:25 am
 Wow Lori, no reason to not like the way you look now, hawtstuff!

Weigh to go!

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


on 10/11/11 9:09 am - Canada
Beautiful photos, and a really interesting update.  I'm 8 months out today, and reading your comments was just the thing to pump me up. Congratualtions!
Jennifer D.
on 10/11/11 9:24 am
Agreed, always beautiful - definitely model material! Congrats on your successes!
          Thank you Cheri and Holly!
       Think twice, cut once! I've had 3 surgeries now, RNY, VSG and DS .
                                Ask me about the DS or visit dsfacts.com
2002 - RNY
2010 - RNY to VSG
2011 - Full DS-August 24th
                HW 311   SW 306  CW 235  GW 150
Brenda T.
on 10/11/11 9:26 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 05/14/12
Incredible!! I am speachless, and that's saying alot because I'm a chatter bug.
You look amazing, great job Lori!!!!!

Brenda             Visit my profile for timelines                         My  is Monica M.

Monica M.
on 10/11/11 10:16 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
thank you so much for this. I have some of the same difficulties that you do (especially around my period) and its nice to know that i can still be a success despite that, because you (obviously) have become a success story.

there's bumps along the way, but you're amazing. thank you.
Robin H.
on 10/11/11 10:45 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
 Lori, thanks for that honest update it is appreciated and just so you know you look AMAZING!
on 10/11/11 11:00 am
Congrats on your success!

About your iron - have you tried proferrin? It is often a bit easier because it can be taken anytime with anything. If you have tried different kinds of iron and have not had any success raising your numbers, you will probably simply not be able to do it through oral iron. Iron is primarily absorbed in the duodenum and your duodenum is now bypassed, which is why your levels are not improving. Having an iron infusion should make a world of difference!
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