your personal journey - exactly what it should be

on 1/12/12 2:44 am, edited 1/12/12 2:47 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
Often when people ask if anyone has any regrets about having weight loss surgery others will answer that their only regret is having not had it done sooner.  I, myself, have responded in that way.

However I also know that all of the things that I have celebrated or suffered through in my life have lead me to the place and the person that I am now.  And while I do have regrets in my life and think about how differently things might be if I had made one decision or another, the fact remains that the decisions I did make, made me the person I am now, in the place that I am in my life.  And my life is great. 

Just this morning I was thinking about my surgery and if I had had the surgery a couple of years beforehand how much more "skinny" time I would have enjoyed.  But then I thought, if it were a couple of years earlier I may not have had the same experience as I had when I went for my surgery. So many things could have changed my experience from the doctor and nursing staff, OHIP regulations, support from my family...even weather conditions.  Everything in my life came together when and how it did so that I could have my surgery when I did and it all worked out exactly the way it was supposed to.   So I am grateful.  Everything is as it should be. 

Just after having these thoughts I came across the quote below and I just felt like I had to share it.  Many of you may be still waiting, may be frustrated with the system, may be having a difficult time on Optifast, or those first few difficult days post op when you wonder if what you are feeling is "normal" and you may be questioning why things can't be easier, faster, smoother, etc.  But it is all happening in exactly the way the universe needs it to be happening for you and your life and it will all work out the way it should.

Just my philosophical thoughts for the day.....  LOL

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on 1/12/12 2:49 am
RNY on 06/05/12
thnaks for sharing Lori, i live by that mantra. I always say i have no regrets, and would'nt want a do over.  I'm right where i'm suppose to be, doing what i am suppose to be doing.  If i was thinnner 17 yeasrs ago , would i be married to the most amazing man in the world, with 4 pretty cool kids??  I love for my life, even though there have been difficults moments along the way
Robin H.
on 1/12/12 3:00 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
Lori, That is great thanks for sharing, it is very ispirational and a great perspective. 
Monica M.
on 1/12/12 3:54 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
Absolutely couldnt agree more. The universe works in it's own particular way, at a speed that we're not meant to tamper with. We are where we are supposed to be, at any given moment.

Brenda T.
on 1/12/12 4:16 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 05/14/12
.... well I'm still going to look before I cross the road.  lol

Brenda             Visit my profile for timelines                         My  is Monica M.

Monica M.
on 1/12/12 4:49 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
yessss!!! i'm not one of those people who believe in leaving things up to the universe, and not taking any responsibility for their lives.

That reminds me of that joke about the guy who's in a flood, and he prays to his god "please save me", a few minutes later a guy comes floating by on a log and offers to help him, and he says "no, god will save me". an hour later, a guy comes by with a canoe and offers to help, the guy says "no, god will  save me". An hour later, another guy comes by in a row boat, and offers help. He says "no, god will save me". THe guy ends up drowning, and he says to god when he meets him "god, why didnt you help me?" God says to him, "look, i sent you a guy on a log, in a canoe and a rowboat... what more do you want from me?"

So, yeah, look at the opportunities that life presents you and accept wht help is offered. And look both ways before crossing teh road.
Brenda T.
on 1/12/12 4:52 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 05/14/12
lol I heard that one before too. lol

Brenda             Visit my profile for timelines                         My  is Monica M.

Monica M.
on 1/12/12 4:54 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
thoguht you might have, but its always worth a retell.
Toni B.
on 1/12/12 4:37 am - Sudbury, Ontario
RNY on 01/19/12
 So true, so true. Thank you for sharing. I just had to steal this quote and put it on my fridge.... excellent reminder of the importance of appreciating the NOW, and moving forward without regrets.

Toni..."Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the will to overcome it" Twitter:@fatgirlchanging
   Surgery JAN. 19th, 2012 Down 120 lbs & 75 inches @ my last Weigh in!!!!  
Fat Girl Changing her World

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on 1/12/12 4:47 am - Sault Ste. Marie, Canada
RNY on 02/22/12
Hi Lori,

this is a WOW post for me - thank you for sharing your thoughts and that awesome quote. It truly is a difficult journey for me (as for others here too). The waiting for appointments has been excruciating because I made the decision to have the surgery back in February 2011 and since that time is the "hurry & wait" scenario.

On the other hand, what you say in your post is so true! There is a reason for the waiting. I have learned alot, not just about the surgery and everything that goes with it, but also about myself.

Thank you again! :o)

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