4 Days Post Op

on 2/27/12 11:49 am - Canada
RNY on 02/23/12
I'm wondering if its "normal" to have no appetite, not be hungry  and still feel ok.

I'm still sore but Ive stopped taking the painkillers as Im having a hard time with being constipated. 

Im walking, drinking water and taking my vitamins.  I feel full after about 4 teaspoons of protein shake, actually 4 teaspoons of anything. 

I have no idea if its the gas making me feel full or if its the food.

Any input here would be appreciated

on 2/27/12 11:54 am
From my own personal experience, perfectly normal. I didn't get a real appetite back for several months and in the beginning I couldn't get all my food in either. My best suggestion is to portion out your food and eat what you can at each scheduled meal. Try to get it in but don't pu**** either, your body is healing and is likely still swollen (or possibly there is some gas making you feel even more full) so there is not much room in there! 

It sounds like you are doing the right things by walking, taking in your vits, and drinking water. Best of luck to you!
Katie  ♥     
on 2/27/12 12:19 pm - Canada
RNY on 02/23/12
Thanks so much, that makes me feel much better. I'm finding it hard to stand up quickly or move around to easily, another poster on here mentioned they had no pain whatsoever and is back at it after 3 days.  Maybe i am a slow healer.  How long before you felt back to normal?
on 2/27/12 10:59 pm
I don't quite remember how long it took to feel back to normal. But I really think it varies for everyone so even if I could remember, I don't know if it would help. Just remember like another poster said that you just had a major surgery and your body needs time to recover and rest at it's own pace. Just take it a day at a time! 
Katie  ♥     
Susan B.
on 2/27/12 12:32 pm - Canada
RNY on 02/17/12
There is a study going on at TWH regarding pain blocks-I suspect the other poster was in that study and actually got the medicaiton for the block.

I am over a week out and I still do not feel normal-You have had major surgery-just because you do not have an incision it doesnt mean you have not had some major reworking on the inside.  You meed to rest, move when able let your body heal.

Everyone heals at a different rate and differently.Give yourself time and just relax and heal.

Welcome to the bench!!
            From Orientation at TWH to Surgical date~6 months 
on 2/27/12 1:10 pm - Sudbury, Canada
I had surgery on Feb 7 and still move carefully when sitting and standing up as I can feel a pulling/pressure with very minor pain. I moved very slowly and carefully for the first week and the pain/discomfort with movement got a little better every day.

I filled up on very little food at the beginning the same as you and struggled to drink. I am now able to eat 1/2 to 3/4 cup per meal and getting protein in is easier. I still struggle with water and don't eat snacks except tea, protein hot chocolate or protein drinks.

Good luck to you. Your progress sounds normal but don't hesitate to contact your centre's dietician for advice and if you keep sipping the protein shakes eventually you'll finish them it just may take a few hours. I still take 1.5 + hours to get in my usual morning shake.

on 2/27/12 4:50 pm

The rate of recovery varies by individual.  I felt best with a bit of movement, keeping my fluids up and NAPPING!!  Rest rejuvenates the body.  I was also no longer on pain meds once I left the hosptial.

I felt much better by week 3 as I was able to start eating more regular stuff.

on 2/27/12 9:57 pm - Toronto, Canada
Oh. That was the one thing I remember clearly about surgery, how I wasn't hungry AT ALL, and how difficult it was to get my food in. I kinda miss that lol. I just followed the diet given to a tee, and rested and walked bits at a time, and eventually I got stronger and stronger. You aren't getting calories in, so you'll feel wonky for a bit. And then the next thing you know you're full of energy. It's pretty amazing.

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 2/27/12 10:37 pm
I still don't have much hunger, get little twinge if I wait too long to eat but not hunger.  No cravings but I still have trouble with some foods one day they go down the next not.   My pain leveled off at about 2 weeks but I was still uncomfortable for about a month. 

Good luck with your recovery!
on 2/27/12 11:32 pm - Canada
I dont have any hunger but set a alarm to let me know when to eat, and I just follow the plan that the hospital gave me, I NEVER thought it take me a hour to get through a breakfast of 1/4 cup of cottage cheese and a little bit of oatmeal. The shakes I just choke down as I cant stand the whey at all. and i keep a water bottle with me and sip all day. You will get through this no problem and feel like a million bucks real soon!
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