Dr Sohi

on 4/3/12 9:15 am - orangeville, Canada
So, I ended up cancelling my appt to meet with Dr Sullivan, nurse, social worker & dietition...as I had a lot going on at the time..(over March Break). So then I got a call from the centre booking me an appt with Dr Sohi...instead of Dr Sullivan, so I met with Dr Sohi yesterday! Not sure if I was expecting more of a "personality" if you would call it that...but it definitely wasn't what I expected!  He was nice and all, but..I don't know!
Anyhow, Dr Sullivans office also called me to see him..and I'm thinking of going to meet with him as well!

Dr Sohi said as long as everything goes well I will have an appt date for July or August...after I meet with nurse ect mid May. I am almost regretting cancelling my original appointments!
I am almost to the point right now where It won't be possible for me to have the surgery until mid September...with my daughters dance recitals & musical performances the entire month of June...on top of that I am a hairstylist, and I am booked to the hilt with wedding parties in June, July and August!

Really was hoping to have this surgery before the summer...but I doubt it! I guess I can't undo the appts I cancelled, so I must not dwell over it, what's done is done!

Have a good night!
Referral: Oct 19 2011      Info TWH : Dec 2 2011       BP Class: Feb
Nurse: July 30 2012     Diet/Nut: July 30 2012  Social Worker: July 30 2012
March 15 2012 NOW April 02, 2012 Internist: July 23 2012 Surgery Date: ????????

I cancelled a couple of my appointments with surgeon, social worker, nurse ect, but now have them rebooked, and I have a different surgeon! Instead of Dr Sullivan, I have Dr.Sohi!
on 4/3/12 12:21 pm
Dr Sohi is very quiet, etc. but he is amazing. He doesn't say much but he is fantastic at his job. He will answer any quesiton, and is sooo honest. I personally had him and am soooo glad I did.
on 4/3/12 10:23 pm - orangeville, Canada
Thanks! Have you had any complications so far?
Referral: Oct 19 2011      Info TWH : Dec 2 2011       BP Class: Feb
Nurse: July 30 2012     Diet/Nut: July 30 2012  Social Worker: July 30 2012
March 15 2012 NOW April 02, 2012 Internist: July 23 2012 Surgery Date: ????????

I cancelled a couple of my appointments with surgeon, social worker, nurse ect, but now have them rebooked, and I have a different surgeon! Instead of Dr Sullivan, I have Dr.Sohi!
nancy P.
on 4/4/12 9:40 am - windsor, Canada
 Dr.Sohi did my surgery with no complications I'm 3yrs post op rest assure your in good hands.
Nancy P
on 4/8/12 11:00 pm
Hi I just saw your post and had to reply. I had Sohi and am glad that I
did for the following reasons: 1 no complications, 2 he came out and
talked to my husband after the surgery, 3he stopped in to see me each
day I was in the hospital, 4 I never felt stupid or rushed when I had an
appointment. The only negative is the wait time in his office, but I
always brought a good book and knew when it was my time I would
get the time I needed. The key with Sohi is making sure you know
what questions you want to ask and to ask them. Hope this helps and
isn't too late.

Each day I will open my eyes and believe it is a great day to be me.    

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