We are SO LUCKY so have WLS funded in Ontario!

on 6/5/12 11:00 pm - Canada
Check out this article from CBC - we OH'ers have all faced up to the consequences of our obesity, and taken the steps necessary to correct it.
But it's a far different story south of the border - they're apparently not helped by their government at all. In fact, some politicians are fighting efforts to help in the fight against obesity.

The sacred American right to overeat
http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2012/06/05/f-rfa-macdonal d-american-obesity.html

..."what's wrong with deep-fried cheese ...?"
Monica M.
on 6/5/12 11:18 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
apparently, they'd rather fight obesity by banning sizes of "soda"
on 6/5/12 11:58 pm
VSG on 05/23/12
It still amazes me how some go out of their way to refuse what is meant to help.
(deactivated member)
on 6/6/12 12:13 am, edited 6/6/12 12:13 am - Guelph, Canada
 I have many American friends and its the same arguement with most of them... "why should I have to pay for the neighbours health care?" and then there are some that so want to move to Canada because of the health care. 

and I love my American friends but the "I'll do what I want when I want cause my great grand daddy fought for that right!" is VERY strong and its hard to change that mentality is hard. 

I do know there id a LOT of federal politicians who have big bucks to lose if everyone started eating more veggies and stopped the double big macs and the super big gulps. 
on 6/6/12 12:22 am - Canada
I know that some insurances companies in the US cover WLS. 
(deactivated member)
on 6/6/12 4:44 am - Straford, Canada
 We are fortunate!  Some of my friends in the USA were amazed a while ago when their government agency reclassified pizza as a vegetable!  LOL
on 6/6/12 5:23 am - Canada
RNY on 06/29/12
Everytime I complain about something "wrong" with where I live...I think it could have been much worse. I'm pretty greatful for our health care system for funding this.
Heck, I'm happy we have a health care system period.
Patti K.
on 6/6/12 5:32 am - Kingston On, Canada
Gaby...I'm extremely thankful and grateful for OHIP paying for me for my WLS as well...I had my surgery in the states...even tho its a long process now...I think it will get better with time.  I'm in the process right now of aquiring a new Dr. in a new city...much different than the last time for sure...patience is needed...Patti K.


on 6/6/12 8:16 am - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
I'm with you Gaby - I'm extremely grateful that OHIP paid for my WLS - it's not something I could have paid for on my own. I support the fight against childhood obesity and I am frustrated that everywhere you turn, they seem to want to "super-size" our drinks or add to our meal portions with more fatty, sugary junk. I'm still very early out when it comes to eating anything but once I can eat regular meals again, I am going to make a concerted effort to include a lot more vegetables, grains and legumes & far less breads, potatoes, rice & pasta. It's shameful that politicians don't support more efforts to improve the way people eat, especially our children! Okay, didn't mean to get on my soapbox. Thank goodness we live in Ontario where the government understands the need for bariatric surgery!

Lisa A.
on 6/6/12 9:10 am - Canada
DS on 09/21/12
AMEN to that! A year ago I didn't think I would even be approved for wls, nevermind getting a say in in the surgery that I would have. This has been a relatively easy process and I am soooo grateful. I had given up hope of ever being a healthy weight. I think I need to pinch myself
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