Home yayyyy,

on 2/14/13 9:13 pm - Canada

Morning all, 


 So I am finally home, Had the most amazing Valentines Day got a gorgeous necklace from Joe and he trish and I had dinner. Then Mandy offered to come pick me up last night so I could sleep in my own bed. I managed to get through the night with some minimal pain because I love to sleep on my side, It was so nice to be able to sleep in my own bed though nothing like somewhere familiar to feel better. I am happy to report that I am up to almost four cups of fluids per day and twice now have had cottage cheese, yesterday I managed to also get in nearly half of a protein shake. I just keep telling myself small steps, baby steps. Now comes the question period. When I went into the hospital i weighed 252 this was after 14 lbs lost on opti-fast. This morning when i weighed myself I am down too 229, This actually concerns me that I am losing so fast is this a problem? I am going to make some cream soups this weekend and see if i can handle them I just kind of feel like this may be happening too fast for my body. How weird is that before I worry I'll never lose any weight and now I am worried it's coming off two quick. Thank goodness for all of you out there I would be so lost if I didn't have a place to post my concerns and questions. Also want to throw out a shout to those who have been so instrumental in my recovery you know who you are I could never do this without you. 

on 2/14/13 9:25 pm - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

Strain the soups...

Getting in cottage cheese is AWESOME!

How are you doing with Vitamins? Are you getting them in?

I know your protein levels need to come up but that will come. What type of shakes are you drinking? Can you split one up into 1/3 or 1/4 servings and space some throughout the day so you can work on getting more in?

To be honest...

Guelph does clear fluid for the first 2 weeks post op and often their patients see that kind of loss.

I lost that in about 2-2 1/2 weeks myself with a VSG and then I hit the 3 week stall and it sort of slowed right down but the inches kept falling off.

It will slow down... Right now your body needs fluids, vitamins, and protein.


Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


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