No regrets and so thankful for this forum

on 4/9/13 1:48 am - Canada

Hi all:

I haven't posted a bunch but have been reading regularly for about a year.  Because I have learned so much from other's experience I thought I would share a bit of my journey.

Grew up in ON and moved to BC 25 years ago.  Moved back to ON in late 2011 and started the WL journey in early 2012 when my new family doctor asked me: How can I help you lose weight?  I had never been asked that question before and it was so helpful. 

I have pictures of myself pre-teen and I am a regular sized kid.  In early teens turned to food for control.  Was active and athletic in high school and beyond.  Was always able to do what I wanted to do physically and thankfully had no health  issues, except the obvious - obesity.   And this nasty habit of eating junk, junk and more junk and not really wanting to examine why.  Oh, and sleep apnea.  In the last 3-4 years I slowed down, not able to do as much.  Wanted to do less and less.  New family doctor said BP was rising and he wondered about diabetes.  I had always said 'I am fine, being fat isn't affecting my mobility, health and quality of life'.  Gosh was I ever in denial. 

Referral to Bariatric Network was made mid 2012 and I attended my orientation in Sept 2012.  Younger and much skinner (lol) sister came with me and it was an eye opener.  The nutritionist who was showing bags and bags of sugar demonstrating how much was in foods I was eating was a real eye opener.  Even Skinny Sister was shocked.  After that I went to HRRH for my appointments and met the surgeon, Dr. Sohi, early on.  He explained the surgery and told me that he wanted me to get to 160 pounds.  He was also surprised that I weighed 360 pounds because as I have heard all my life - 'you carry your weight so well'...nice way of saying 'you aren't as fat as the scale says you are!' LOL

Finished all appointments, including heart stress test (a long morning but no sweat, really, it isn't). I didn't have to have sleep test as I already had a CPAP machine so was cleared to go. Started OPTI Jan 11/13 for 2 weeks.  Didn't have any issues, liked the chocolate better.  Did go off program once and kicked myself in the ass and got back on track.  Really had to look at why I was doing this and ensure it was what I wanted.  It was!

Surgery at HRRH was Jan 25th and I cannot say enough good things about the whole process.  From the moment I got to the hospital until discharge 2 days later I had excellent care. Ok, there was one nurse who was a bit cranky but not an issue.  Walked into the surgery room and had a bit of a look around and then the team got right to work.  I was out quickly and woke up in recovery - little pain.  Got moved to my room about 5 hours later.  Nurses were excellent - yes, they came during the night to give me pain meds and take BP - all part of the job.  Who can sleep in a hospital anyway, right?  My room was busy with other emergencies so I hunkered down and slept a lot, walked a lot, had my cell phone (with charger) to stay in touch and hung out in my hospital gown for 2 days.  Had some family visitors but was really ok on my own because I wanted to rest.  Got a lot of paperwork to read and honestly, didn't look at it until home.  NUT came to go over my discharge plan on the same day as surgery and I was still pretty out of it but she left a lot of good written info.  

Discharged on Sunday, a little later because of higher BP.  Went to sister's to recoup for a week and then home.  First week was mainly getting meds and vitamins figured out and eating a bit at a time and SIP, SIP and SIP water.  I am just over 10 weeks out and this is what I have learned

- this surgery is an amazing gift and opportunity - it isn't easy but who said that things worth having are easy

- take it one day at a time and if necessary, one meal at a time - plan ahead if you can

- track what you eat (I am not always good at this but am working on it every day) - if you don't know what you are eating then it is hard to know if you are getting the right amounts of what is needed

- a support system is key, whether family, friends, co-workers, here or wherever - yes, this is an individual journey each bite at a time but it takes a village to get it done

- this forum is exceptional; I do intend to join one of the coffee groups to meet some more folks

- be gentle with yourself - you will fall down, maybe dump, have pain, perhaps even wonder what the heck you have done - this will pass.  As the weight comes off you can do more and more and that means you want to do more and more!

Ok, I sound like I am lecturing so will get off my soapbox.  I also want to say thank you to all who post, and in particular the vets - you don't always know that your words help - but they do!!

Happy Tuesday, Carolyn






on 4/9/13 2:23 am - Mississauga, ON, Canada

Hi Carolyn

Great post and looking forward to any updates on your progress.  I haven't had surgery yet, still in the process so it is very insightful to read about every ones experiences.  Welcome to the forum and good luck on your journey.


Marny B.
on 4/9/13 3:16 am - Canada

Great post Carolyn.  Very well written.  Thanks for sharing your experience.  I am so glad you are happy with your decision, and that you are doing well.  Here's to your continued success angry

Referral Sent:  March 19, 2010
Surgery date with Dr. Denis Hong: December 9, 2010


on 4/9/13 4:20 am - Ottawa, ON, Canada

You've written such a helpful post for so many people, Carolyn.  

My surgery was in Ottawa, two days before yours -- it's terrific to hear of your experiences.

Best regards, eh?



Referral - March 2011 // Orientation - Ottawa - July 8, 2011 // Surgery - January 23, 2013

Onward and

on 4/9/13 7:39 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Glad you did so well in surgery, Carolyn, and it sounds like you really have it together! 

I'm also very grateful every day for this forum.  Such a great place for support!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 4/9/13 7:56 am - North Bay, Canada
Thanks, posts like this help reconfirm this is a good decision.

RNY - Dec 18/2013

 HW- 333 lbs. Approved for Surgery- 285.4 SW- 272.  GW-160-180


on 4/9/13 8:48 am - Ajax, Canada
RNY on 04/29/13

That's a great good to hear the positive results.  Looking forward to joining you soon!

Referred HRRH Apr.  2012, Info. Session: Sept 12/12, Surgeon Consult: Dr L Smith Sept 19/12,  RD/SW/RN/ Nov 19/12.  Surgery Date:  April 29, 2013


on 4/9/13 10:47 am - Canada

carolyn you are ROCKING this... way to go girlfriend!!  Great advice.

Family Dr. 06/05/2012    Referral Received 06/28/2012 Orientation 08/01/2012   NP 08/27/2012
SW 08/28/2012              Nut Class 08/27/2012
NUT 10/01/2012              PS 10/01/2012
Surgeon Dr. Cyriac 12/07/2012  **SURGERY  JAN 30, 2013**



on 4/9/13 2:41 pm

Welcome to posting here.  It sounds like you are doing well.  Welcome to the bench as well.

How much weight have you lost so far?  How much do you want to lose overall?



on 4/10/13 6:34 am - Canada

Judy, ty very much.  I have lost 55 pounds so far and am aiming for 160 pounds.  I would still weigh 200 pounds and be considered overweight but I am more concerned with being healthy and able to do anything I want and not be affected by my mobiity.





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