7 months post - op; If I can do it you can tooo!!!

on 8/19/13 3:02 am - Canada

Hi everyone:

I usually check the boards most days and so enjoy hearing how everyone is doing.  When I was pre-op I found that the postings from those who had gone before and paved the way really helped me to be realistic and not get discouraged.  Here is a brief update.

I am 7 months post-op and down 104 pounds.  It amazes me every day how good I feel.  I know, I know, those of you who are waiting and some who may be suffering greatly, may think I am bragging...I am not.  I want you to know that your turn will come and you too will feel a new lease on life.

I have the usual NSV - climb stairs, see my feet, sit in chairs, walk for much longer.  I also notice the little things now...I can park in the middle of a shopping mall lot and walk to 4 or 5 stores and not go back to the car and drive around for fear of falling down.  I can reach for the glove box in the car without  strangling myself.  I can shoulder check easily and I am on the road for my job so that one is very important.  I visit employers and walk around large and small job sites and now keep up and talk and take notes, all without feeling that I have to ask for a break. 

Many folks know I had surgery but I work for a very large employer and lots of folks don't.  There are increasingly more and more people coming up to me and saying they notice the weight loss and that feels very positive.  The people closest to me know I didn't get sick or have anything awful happen - I just got sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and decided to do something about it. 

I am blessed in that I have had no health/surgery complications.  Believe me I know I am fortunate as you only need to read  the boards to know that some people have a very hard time.  I also know that many people I meet at clinics, etc don't have complications and I pray that as the surgery procedure gets even more advanced the number of issues will drop.   I can eat pretty much what I want, expect eggs really seem to bother me but they did pre-op as well.  I have fallen back in love with yogurt and Liberte Greek Yogurt is my best friend - a bowl with fresh fruit is my go to treat.  I also make yogurt smoothies and throw in protein powder and fruit and am good to go.   Pre-op I adored Booster Juice Very Berry smoothie and I have tried post-op but the sugar amount is sooooooooo high now that I fake my own. 

I have NOT been perfect and I only say that because it is bull**** if I lie and pretend that I have done everything right every day.  I still look at sweets (my reason for being pre-op) and salivate.  I still wonder what it would be like to eat as much junk as I did before.  I have not had pop (no real craving) or chocolate since surgery.  Those two haven't been hard and I was a huge pop/choco consumer pre-op. The changes do come and for some people they never look back.  I admire those folks.  I still have to choose to make good food choices everyday and most days I get it right.  I don't just want this to be a limited change; I want to make this change for good and for once and for all.   

What I wish I knew 7 months ago is this:

- the tool is only a tool and like any other tool, I have to learn how to operate it.  I have to test what it can do and make sure I am following the instructions.  Read the owner's manual carefully and keep handy and DO NOT be afraid to ask.  I am no expert and find these boards full of helpful info each day

- that my support system would change - my family and friends that are like family have been sooooooo wonderful; other folks I thought I could count on have not been able to see that this is about me being healthy and not just the weight loss.  Those folks I have quietly let go and hardly miss at all.  Relationships do change but the folks who want the best for you should stick around

- even though we have clinics, I am still in charge of me and have to reach out to not just the clinics but my family doctor.  My GP is not at all familiar with weight loss surgery but has walked every step of the way with me and is learning a lot.  Please share with GP and other professional in your life what is happening - the more people know what WLS is and does and means, the better we all benefit. 

- clothes are expensive - if you have family and friends in smaller sizes ask them to hold them for you.  I am NOT a shopper but get a quiet kick out of seeing the size drop from 5x to 1x.  I am still at Pennington's as I just haven't made shopping a priority but looking forward to exploring more stores. 

- Lastly, if you feel you need counselling help at all, it is never too early to start.  I am considering seeking out a therapist to talk about some of my challenges, specifically around some food choices, and see if I can get some insight.  I have done counselling in the past but not specifically related to eating.   My journey forward is not a solo voyage and I am learning more and more to reach out.

Ok, my brief update has turned into not so brief.  For those waiting for surgery, please stay positive even if it seems that the day will never come - it will.  And for those post-op, thank you for sharing your updates and stories as there is much to learn from folks who have gone through the same process.

Have a great day!!!






Lori G.
on 8/19/13 3:12 am - Guelph, Canada

Great post Carolyn and thanks for sharing!  I'm only 3 months post-op but I too see new changes every day in myself.  Isn't it great?  Congrats on the 104 lbs and keep going strong!


Lori G. Surgery - May 13/13; HW-350, SW-323


    "I may not be there yet...but I'm closer than I was yesterday!"

on 8/19/13 3:15 am - North York, Canada

Thanks so much for this post - what a wealth of information and encouragement! :)

Referral to Surgeon: February 12, 2013 Appointment with Surgeon: April 24, 2013 Endoscopy: April 30, 2013 Referral sent to Bariatric Registry: May 2, 2013 Orientation Appointment: May 27, 2013 Dr Klein Appointment: June 6, 2013 Second Upper GI Series: June 11 Dr Glazer: August 12, 2013 RN/RD/SW: August 29. 2013 Follow-up With Dr Klein: September 23, 2013 Start Opti: October 23, 2013 Surgery Date: November 14, 2013 


on 8/19/13 4:23 am - Canada

Thanks for the very affirmative post! Congratulations!

Initial referral: March 21, 2013; Orientation: April 26, 2013 (OWMC); Nurse Practitioner: July 10, 2013; Nut/Beh: July 15, 2013; Pre-op Class: September 18, 2013; Internist: September 18, 2013; Surgeon: October 1, 2013; Surgery: November 25, 2013 (Dr. Yelle)



on 8/19/13 4:37 am

Thank you so much for taking time to post and update us on your success.....at this stage I can only imagine what that must be like.....I can't wait for that feeling.....I am still pre op but I love reading posts like yours who are doing so well.  Congrats again!!! 

on 8/19/13 4:44 am - Canada

Congrats on the steps towards the healthy Carolyn!  Love the post and information.  Thank you for sharing.

Lori Lee

TWH Orientation - Oct 17, 2012   SW - Nov 19, 2012   Nurse - Dec 12, 2012  Group Nutrition Class - Jan 14, 2013  Psychologist Feb 12, 2013  Nutrition March 15, 2013 Surgeon - April 5th (Dr Penner) Surgery May 16th 


on 8/19/13 4:59 am

What an inspiring post.  Thank you!  This is wonderful to hear.  I am still pre-op and waiting to hear something ANYTHING is tough.  But like you said, my turn will come.

Congrats to you, keep up the amazing work!

on 8/19/13 5:01 am - Canada
RNY on 12/03/13

Thank you for sharing. It is really appreciated and needed,

Im still waiting for my time to come and truly love having the chance to read ppl who have had the surgery tell their story.


Wish you more success and all the happiness your heart can hold!!




 Referral May 17 '13 / Orientation June 17 '13 / Meeting w Dr Hagen June 26 '13 / RN,RD,SW July 31 '13 / Dr.Glazer Sept 3 '13/ Sleep Study Sept 5 '13 /2nd app w Dr Hagen Sept 16 '13 / F/U w  Dr Glazer  Sept 23 '13 / PRATTS Nov 14 '13/ Surgery Dec 3rd '13


Diminishing Dawn
on 8/19/13 5:30 am - Windsor, Canada

Great post Carolyn!

Keep up the great work!  You've got a great head on your shoulders and success will be yours!


17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 8/19/13 7:22 am - dartmouth, Canada

inspiring, wonderful, motivating, beautiful, love it, what a great post

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