My surgery was Wednesday

on 8/22/08 2:31 pm - Beaverton, OR
 Well I am home and recovering. I am feeling much better today.  I was not expecting recovery to hurt this much :)  I have either forgotten my gallbladder surgery pain or it didnt hurt this bad.  The pain is mostly at the port site on my right side.

I have a house full of food police making sure that nothing off the list passes my lips.  I had to almost go to fist cuffs in order to be allowed a cup of broth.  It is not on the list!!  Thank goodness i was given some vegetable broth right before I left the hospital and that is how i managed to talk them around.

Tomorrow i get cream of wheat....ahh the joy of small things.

Patty T.
on 8/22/08 4:43 pm - Boalsburg, PA
I'm glad to hear you are home and recuperating.

on 8/23/08 1:22 am - OR
You are now on the road to becoming a huge loser!   Congrats!

Happiness is an attitude.  We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong.  The amount of work is the same.  ~Francesca Reigler


on 8/23/08 1:41 am - Eugene, OR
Welcome home and to the losers' bench Tina!  Those darn food police!  Don't they think we know what we're supposed to have?   It's good that you have family being very watchful in taking care of you.  I hope that cream of wheat is the best you've ever had.


Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 8/23/08 7:06 am
Good for you my OH friend! I hope it just keeps getting better and you are dancing in your underwear soon.
on 8/23/08 9:16 am - OR
Yay! Another happy loser joins the group!  Keep well, and well hydrated.
Lowellian  * LAB RAT CHARTS  remember to add data!
on 8/24/08 2:44 pm
Be easy on yourself.  Enjoy your cream of wheat! LOL
Aubree's Travel
Check out my before & after pictures in my profile!
on 8/25/08 12:46 am
Welcome back!  Cream of wheat,mmmmmmm.
Vicki PNW
on 8/25/08 6:33 am
Glad to see that you finally got banded!

Tell the so-called "food police" that you should drink plenty of fluids, especially early out.  I don't think you want to be re-admitted to the hospital to be treated for dehydration just because the "cops" try to restrict your fluid intake.

I did eat cream of wheat at breakfast while at the hospital.  I found that it can be eaten plain or sprinkled with Splenda.

I see that your siggy has changed for the better!

Best of luck on your safe and successful recovery, Tina!


DS (lap) with Dr. Clifford Deveney. Cholecystectomy (lap) with Dr. Clifford Deveney 19 months post-op.

Has not weighed myself since 1/2010.  Letting my clothes gauge my progress instead.

on 8/26/08 6:01 am - McMinnville, OR

So glad you have such wonderful family support....even if they have gone a tad overboard!  It certainly shows their love for you!

By now the pain should be subsiding and you are probably feeling much better.  I hope you are able to get a bit of a walk in as well.  The weather is GREAT today and promises more of the same for a few days!

Congratulations on taking the steps to improve your health!!!!!


 Hammock There are good things to be said about recouperation in the summer......

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