re uhc insurance.

on 6/29/03 8:10 pm - three rivers, MA
I have had no luck at all with this insurer. I have tried for three years to get them to cover and all they say is they my plan does not cover ANYTHING to do with weight loss. be it medically necessary or not. with or without co morbidities. I had uch/benusight abd then it changed to straight uhc ppo and it is still not covered. I have since left my job as my weight has really taken a toll on my knees and back. I can't afford to pay out of pocket and don't qualify for assistance. so i guess i give up or give in and call it quits, it's a never ending circle. I don't understand insurance companies, it cost them more to have us fat then to have the surgery. thanks for being my sounding board. best of luck to all of you that can have it. your in my prayers.
on 7/6/03 9:24 am - GLADSTONE, OR
I don't understand the problem either. I am determined to loose this weight, and I think I will have to come up with the money some how to pay for it myself. I have the Oregon health plan because I am a full time student, and can't afford anything! I did some searching and found a hospital in Washington that offers a financing plan. I can search for that info again, if you want just let me know! Don't give up though, you will only be successful when you keep at it. If it was easy we wouldn't need this online support group! We are all here for you. Amber
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