Starting the long journey.....

Doris M.
on 7/6/03 5:54 am - Molalla, OR
I am still waiting to attend the group meeting for this surgery. First part of May I was told it would be a couple months. Sigh......In the meantime I am taking the mandatory weight managment class to get it out of the way. I had already started doing some exercise and can feel the difference when I have to skip it. I am taking 2 one hour water exercise classes a week and lifting weights from my couch for 15 minutes 3 more times a week. I live in Molalla OR. I have Kaiser as my insurance. I worked with someone who had the surgery through Kaiser. She's since moved away. Another person I know from one of my work sites has a daughter that just has the surgery the end of June. It took her a year to get the surgery. The dietician running the weight managment class is clueless about the weight loss surgery process. I have heard from others the dieticians are the biggest hurdle. What a shame. They are in a position to do the best for everyone. The emphasis is on balanced diet....maybe before surgery. My understanding is pushing up your protein and taking in enough water. One person was put on a liquid supplement that wasn't very high in protein. Anyone else have experience with this? When you go to a special clinic that your insurance pays for people report how wonderful and helpful and understanding they are. It is their job to be to compete with the market and get your insurance dollar. The HMO like Kaiser doesn't have quite the same approach. They are it. The only choice you have. They are trying but have a ways to go (such as educating their dieticians better). I have had 6 C-sections so the surgery doesn't scare me or the scar. I don't like needles or IVs but I have done it before. As with the c-sections, it is the end result that is what is important. Some of the people in my wight managment class have gone to the introductory meeting and told the rest of us about it. This made the dietician a little nervous. She is of the school of "diet and exercise" as the way to go. Sigh....... My husband had transplant surgery in February. He has a slightly used kidney and pancreas. He was on dialysis and diabetic taking shots. After surgery there are no more shots or dialysis. He has a new lease on life. He just turned 50 and feels better now than he has since he was in his 20's. It's my turn for a new lease on life. Frustrated but hanging in there.... Doris Martin Molalla OR
on 7/6/03 9:10 am - GLADSTONE, OR
Hi, Doris, I live nearby in Gladstone, and agree the dieticians are trained to educate us how to diet and exercise our way to fitness. Why didn't I think of that before? Hmmmm, well it doesn't work so easily for everyone to follow these guidelines. I am interested about your experiences with your c-sections, and how you think it will compare to weight loss surgery. I have had three c-sections, and the last one was just 7 months ago. I love my babies but I need to lose weight so that I can play with them. I gained 50 pounds with my last baby, and have lost thirty. I can't seem to get it off no matter how hard I try. It is a beautiful day outside, and yet I can see that we are both on the computer! As far as exercise I am having a difficult time. I dislocated my knee a month ago, and am experiencing very limited mobility. My knee is stiff, and I can't make it through the grocery store with out it hurting. I want to be more active, and so today, I bought a trailer for my bicycle for my four year old and baby to ride in. I would love to have company. Let me know if you would like to go for a ride, make that a slow stroll........ I don't have any experience with Kaiser for wo=eight loss surgery, and I was not aware they would cover the procedure. I have the Oregon Health Plan, and I am sure they won't cover it. I don't want to wait unitl I finish school to have my surgery. I hope you are have a SUNNY day! Lets chat again soon. Amber
on 6/26/09 8:24 am - Gladstone, OR
RNY on 06/17/15
Hi Amber V.

I also live in Gladstone and am trying to loose weight but struggling to keep active. My youngest appears to be about the same age as yours during your posting. I would love to have a walking or biking buddy to keep me going. I have my refferal from Kaiser and am attending the classes but do not know what the next steps are. Thanks, Amber M.
Denise C.
on 7/9/03 10:56 am
Hi Doris DONT GIVE UP! We all deserve the care we need. I too am in the prosess. I was denied by Kaiser because I did not have a medical need. They never asked me for medical info. So I am going back to the Dr. to file an appeal. I will let you know how it goes on my end please let me know whats going on at you end. Hang in there Denise
Dina M.
on 8/11/03 12:40 am
Doris, Having been born in a Kaiser Hospital, I feel uniquely qualified to comment: Kaiser can be a royal pain in the butt!!! Seriously, I had them for insurance for the majority of my life. What a nightmare! A lot of people switch employment to get the kind of insurance that they want that they know will be friendly toward pursuit of WLS. Is this an option for you? I also know quite a few Kaiser patients who have decided to self-pay to get the surgeon, surgery, and post-op lifestyle that they feel is important for long-term success for themselves. It's more affordable than you might imagine! Blessings to you as you go through this. I don't know your story - but for me, time was of the essence - my PCP was amazed I lived long enough to actually have surgery - so I'm very, very thankful that I was able to step around the infastructure and move to the front of the line, so to speak! Blessings, dina
on 6/26/09 7:39 pm
Hi Doris! What Kaiser are you taking classes at? I'm not sure where Mololla is in Oregon, I need to look at a map ^_^
  I live in Lebanon but I go to Kaiser in Salem and I have just started this whole process
I'm very anxious! I just sent my packet in, so I hope this all goes smoothly.

Good Job with the exercise!

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