Sheri D....a little love thrown your way...

Lesa B.
on 9/21/03 1:16 pm - Portland, OR
It was great spending time with our little group again today. Sheri, I just wanted to let you know that after you left, we talked about you (that'll teach you to leave early!!). We realize that your recent bout of diverticulitis could possibly postpone your surgery, and we just want you to know we're still your support group, and we're there for you. I hope things go well for you on Wednesday, that you have the strength to go for it, and know we're all rooting for you! Feel well, and we'll see you this week. Keep us posted! -Lesa
Sheri D.
on 9/24/03 8:49 am - Wilsonville, OR
Thank you for the little love thrown my way---even if I know you threw in a little lecture I am so happy that Monica could take my surgery time....and I know that I can be healed and well for my surgery in Oct. I read the book and loved it....I'll give it to Monica tonight when I see her.....I loved when she talked about the 3 types of people in the is so true in my world too.
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