How many calories are we supposed to eat

on 6/16/08 12:57 pm - Lancaster, PA
does anyone know how many calories we are supposed to shoot for when you are 19 mos out? I know early out you dont really have to worry too much but now i am trying to lose the last 20 and not gain so i am not sure what calories i am supposed to shoot for
Pam Hart
on 6/16/08 7:56 pm - Easton, PA
I honestly don't know. However - I am going to be asking the nut this next month.  I want to do a few weeks of a very detailed food log - I'll probably start using fitday - and track how many calories I am getting, and then take it from there. Good luck! Pam
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on 6/16/08 8:36 pm
Its based on how much you need to maintain your weight.  I'm 5'2" and aren't as active as most.  My maintain calories are 1400-1600.  You need to review with the nut your activity level and goal.

Some days your the dog and some days your the hydrant.

on 6/16/08 9:04 pm - Lancaster, PA
i guess once i get in to dr braders ofice  i will ask the nut. i am trying to be better with food and have been tracking it on fitday and was wondering, well what the heck should i be eating? What is too much? Too little?
Laureen S.
on 6/16/08 10:23 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Nicole, When I went for my last appointment, the NUT said I should not be having more than 1000 calories a day, that was for losing weight.  From other people I know to be on maintenance, the rule of what I've read there is to slowly increase calorie intake, 100 at a time of good choice foods, for a week at a time, and watch what the scale tells you.   But I would definitely ask a NUT to be sure. Good luck, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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