Busy week, bad eating, and a GREAT nsv..

on 5/20/13 9:40 pm

So this is the last week of school for my kids.  I got one who graduates elementary school tomorrow, and one who graduates high school Friday night.  My oldest who graduates from  high school also has a job and we told her if she saved at least half the money we would pitch in the other half and help her get a car.  I also have a rule that my kids don't get their drivers license till they graduate from high school.  I think 16 is just to young to put behind the wheel of a two ton torpedo but its an on going argument in my house and atm I'm winning.  Thursday, Friday and Saturday were spent at various car dealerships and running to and fro and hither, thither, and yon.  Really bad eating days.  I even buckled at one point and ate 7 french fries. 

Yesterday I spent the whole dang day at the DMV, mostly waiting, but finally getting scheduled for my daughter to take her drivers test....Monday after next.  Ate the cheese out of some Mozzarella cheese sticks.  That don't sound bad I know, but it was cause they are deep fried and there was no way to pick all the breading off.  I got most of it but still feel bad about it. 

Today is gonna be long as well.  First order of business get my sons motorcycle tire fixed.  For that I have to drive over to the next town.  Then I have to run by a radio shack and find a dock for my old internal hard drives so I can get all my pics and books off them.  I had to buy a new computer over the weekend and am on the verge of loosing everything I had stored on the old one.  lol my tax returns are even on there.  After that I have to go to the school for the what is most definitely going to be a very long two hours of sitting on hard bleachers and letting the school punish me with that special day they like to call award day.   Then cheerleading practice from 3-5 and finally I get to deliver my youngest daughter to the board of education at 7 tonight so that she and a couple of her friends can perform a song they wrote and dedicated to their math teacher.   I also get the privilege of sitting through the whole board meeting first since the concert is last on the agenda.  I fore see bad eating again. 

Tomorrow is Haley's graduation followed by more cheer practice.  Haley is a "flyer" and parents are not invited to practices so I can't even watch her thrown in the air and hope the other kids catch her.  So two hours of nail biting. 

Thursday..Football practice starts, cheer practice continues, and I have senior awards night and banquet.

Friday...High school graduation.

In the meantime..I have about 1 million loads of laundry to get done, I have to cart Tera back and forward to work and I am in desperate need of getting a few minutes to sit down at the pc and get some bills paid and budgeting done before they start turning stuff off.  Haven't been to the grocery in almost three weeks and  am also completely out of medicine and have no refills so I got to figure out when I can get in to see my PA.    Shew...I'm tired just from writing all that. 

But on a nice note I did have a Great NSV this morning.  My son came over to give me a hug before school and he looked up at me and said "Mommy, I can hug all of you now...my arms go completely around".

Isn't it funny how the little things can make it all worthwhile sometimes?



Candy V.
on 5/20/13 10:00 pm - MI
RNY on 09/12/12

Sounds all to familiar!  LOL  I have two sons in high school one is graduating on June 2nd.  Open house on June 8th  and my moms memorial service on June 23rd also at my house.  I have surgery scheduled on June 12th for my SI joint fusion.   Plus it is track season now and trying to work full time.  We are wonderwomen!  All moms are. 

I let my sons drive at 16 if they have enough experience with snow.  My oldest saved for 3 summers to buy a 6K Jeep for himself.  The second son turns 16 on Dec 5th this year and I am not sure I want him driving this winter yet.  He and DH are against me on this!  

Try keeping snacks with you.  Beef jerky travels well.  I take protein shakes on the road with me too.  We will survive lol

 RNY 9/12    TT 9/13    HT 5' 4"   HW 250    SW 242   CW 125

Come keep it real in R&R 3.0 Want a group invite?  Send a PM  


on 5/20/13 10:35 pm
RNY on 06/03/13

Wow Busy Mom!!  Your son sounds like a tenderheart!!  I must say I am new to this blog stuff and am scheduled for surgery in 6-3-13 and I am in awe of your progress.  Am I seeing this right??  You had surgery on Mar 21st and are down 53 lbs in just 2 months??  Holy cow!!  I know everyone is different but that is just awesome...you must feel super.  Did you have a hard time right after or bounce right back after surgery?  Your results are what I am hoping for!!  My youngest son gets married Sept 1st this summer....I would love to be 50-60 lbs lighter!!


PS  what does NSV mean??

on 5/20/13 11:57 pm - Sacramento, CA
NSV: non scale victory

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



on 5/21/13 12:34 am

I lost most of mine right off the bat..I was on full liquids for 4 days before my surgery and then for three weeks after and that pretty much melted off the majority.  The losing has slowed waaay down now.  I think I only lost like 7lbs this month.  I don't know how many inches though.  I'm from a size 16 in jeans to a comfy 12 so when I get bored/head hungry I just go put on a pair of my old pants and it brings things back into perspective.  Your water will be your best friend.  For me the more I drank...the more I lost.  I have slowed down on it now hence the slower loosing process.  I need to pick back up and exercise more. 

The first three weeks after the surgery were bad not pain or anything..fatigue.  But everyday got better and all that is past now for the most part.  I am to the point now where I can fully function and even hit the treadmill and not feel like I'm going to die from exhaustion. 


on 5/21/13 3:00 am
RNY on 06/03/13

Wow!!  I think you are my inspiration!!  I am on 2 full week full liquid pre surgery...then post op another 2 weeks and then 3 & 4 week hope to transition to some pureed things.  SO maybe I can  drop that much.  I am on day 3 and have lost aprox 6lbs.  Protein intake must be bet 60 and 100 gr and calories must be between 600 and 1,000...so maybe!

on 5/20/13 10:38 pm

You need to pre-plan and have a cooler or bag with ready made shakes, cheese sticks, carrots, almonds, apples, bananas, peanuts, protein bars, and bottled water, etc.  You cannot let your self get sick. Your health is important! Take care of yourself, please. 

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

In Christ



on 5/21/13 12:04 am - Sacramento, CA
Life sometimes get busy on you, but those are the times you do everything you've been practicing.

All that good eating you've been doing and all the new habits you've been practicing, this is when it shows.

Sometimes it does get hard and things do get hectic, but we can't let those things take over. Eating stuff like that isn't bad everyone in a while, but we don't wanna make it a habit.

Pack a little cooler with healthy snacks so you don't give in and eat other stuff.

BTW, your NSV is super cute! That would be enough motivation for me to keep going!

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



on 5/21/13 3:17 am - greenfield, IN
RNY on 03/25/13

That reminds me of this song which my husband sings to me sometimes (NOT in a mean spirited way, in our house "fat" is not a four letter word).  But I weigh less than him now so it doesn't apply anymore!!  lol




Surgery Date: March 25, 2013


on 5/21/13 9:48 am
RNY on 05/13/13

My husband keeps an applesauce pouch, 100 calorie nut pouch and a protein bar in all the vehicles so no matter what he's driving, he can have an appropriate item to eat while he is out and about. Really helps him walk the straight and narrow. One trick I use when we are out and about all day is to put a frozen cheese stick in my bag and then he eats it a few hours later while it is still cool. I bought the Thirty One bag insulated wristlet and just pop it in there--I'm going to do the same for me when I can eat cheese, too!

Another trick my nutritionist taught us was to get an apple pack (throw away the caramel sauce) at McDonald's if we need a quick drive-thru bite or of course, the Wendy's chili. :)


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