Saskatchewan Bariatric Surgery Support Group - Regina meetings!

on 9/3/06 10:27 pm - Regina, Canada
Hello all, My name is Tess Boehm. President of the Saskatchewan Bariatric Surgery Support Group. I saw by reading posts some names I knew, some new ones I didn't. We have a support group based right here in Regina that offers regular support and help with surgery related questions. We offer a free online newsletter, and our website which is under construction right now. Our wellness program is sponsoring the next meeting on September 17th as we have a dietician coming out to see us. We meet once a month, on the 3rd Sunday. We also meet every Thursday night from 830 pm - 930pm for aquafit. It's PRIVATE pool time, just us so it's a very comfortable setting. For more info, email me at [email protected] and I will get back to you. Thanks, Tess.
on 2/6/08 1:30 am - Regina, Canada
Tess, is this group still going? How can a person find out more?
on 2/11/08 10:41 pm - Regina, Canada
Sorry, your email went to my spam. Yes, group is still running. Contact Hilary Dahnke at 569 1372 - she's the new President of the SBSSG. Also check out it's the website for the group, but I am emailing them as it needs to be updated
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