Hi Just New

on 6/17/07 7:25 am - Canada
I have just scheduled my Lap Band surgery with Dr. Kuri & am booked for Aug 6th. I am so nervous & excited at the same time. I have read lots of testimonials and feel this is the right choice for me. Saskatchewan health will not cover anything. I have written them a letter of dissatisfaction of Sask. Health. They need to get with the times and start to look ahead. This surgery will in long run save them so much money.
on 6/19/07 4:34 am - Annaheim, Canada
Congratulations Penny! I too have decided to do the Lap Band with Dr. Kuri in Mexico. I do not have a date booked yet as I am waiting for funding to come in, but I wish you all the best!! As far as Sask Health is concerned, I am going to submit my detailed bill to them along with a list for 20 years (because I think that is all I have left in me if I don't get the surgery) of "actual costs" it would cost them if I don't get this surgery done. Hmmm - lets see - diabetic medicine for the next 20 years, knee surgery..... etc. I am hoping that maybe they will smarten up and cover this needed surgery. If not for me, then for anyone else that deserves to live a longer, healthier life. I am very serious about this and will take it to Ottawa if I have to. You will have to let us know how you are doing Post Op.
on 6/19/07 10:00 am - Calgary, Canada
Hi Elaine and Penny, I hope you don't mind my coming over from the Alberta forum. I'm also going to Dr Kuri, booked for June 29th and I'm very excited! Alberta Health care has told me they will reimburse me for a small portion of the expenses if I bring proper documentation - itemized statement, description of the surgery etc. so we'll see if it actually happens. I'm willing to pay for it all if necessary though, anything they give me will be good. But you're right - the health care systems are very short sighted as this kind of surgery could probably save a lot of money as well as help people's quality of life. Anyway right now I'm glad I have enough resources to self pay, as well as a great husband for support. Good luck in your journeys. Betty
on 6/19/07 10:44 am - Canada
Hi Betty thanks for your support I also have enough resources to self pay and a husband for support. I have only told a few friends & family. I think I will wait till I return to let them know..not sure why but I don't want any negative comments about tj. Sask health has not come aboard with Lap Band but we are usually years behind everyone anyways. I wish you all the best & keep in touch as to how your visit & surgery go.. I do know 2 people who have had it done with Dr. Kuri and say he is the best as well as the hospital. Did you get a descent flight. We are flying US Airways that makes me more nervous than the surgery it's self... Penny
on 6/19/07 10:35 am - Canada
HI Elaine Thanks for your support. I am very excited. I think I will send in my receipts and statements to Sask. Health.. I really don't understand why they would not pay for Lap Band when they will pay for the bypass surgery at least the same. They have now even copped out on paying for travel expences for the gastric bypass in another province. I think the province really needs to take a closer look and wake up & get with the program. I wish you all the best with your financing & surgery. I will keep a posting of how everything goes.. Penny
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