on 9/27/07 7:16 am - Calgary, Canada
Hi Penny and Elaine and anyone else who went to see Dr Kuri last weekend. How was it? I hope you are all doing well. Betty
on 9/28/07 12:23 am - Annaheim, Canada
Hi Betty!! I cried silently when Dr. Kuri entered the room. I am a very emotional person and when I saw that he was this real person and not someone I have been researching for the last three years, my emotions took over. My husband was with me for the meeting and I'll tell you that he is now very comfortable about me going! I actually got all of my questions answered and was able to talk to Dr. Kuri alone. He gave me a big hug and said that he couldn't wait for me to come and see him. That meeting just clinched my decision!! I can't believe it's only 5 weeks away!! Thanks for caring Elaine
on 9/29/07 12:06 am - Canada
Hi Betty It was nice to meet Elaine but I did not get a chance to talk to her we were in seperate groups. I'm so glad she got to meet Dr. Kuri and feel more comfortable, he has that way about him. I had my first fill but I was overfilled & Dr. Kuri took some out but not enough. My bosses husband who is also a Doctor was training with him on how to do the fills so he is going to do mine from now on and will be removing some on Monday. I am way too tight and having a hard time keeping solids down. This Doctor is also going to have the surgery done in Feb/08 & he is very excited . He thought very highly of Dr. Kuri. I had a nice visit & got to meet some of the other bansters from Sask. We talked about our changes,joys happiness & difficulties. It was nice to share them in person with others. We talked about going to the Banster Bash in Sept 2008 in TJ. I guess it is quite the weekend. Penny
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