round two we really really need more votes. please vote everyone

Danette W.
on 10/18/10 11:44 am - Regina, Canada
I am from Regina Saskatchewan Canada.  RNY surgery is relative new here and we keep running up against Dr's who have no clue how to treat bariatric patients.  There is a fund that will give us money for a conference for Saskatchewan ( and beyond?) doctors information on how to deal with bariatric patients.  But we need votes.  It is a Canadian site but you don't have to be Canadian to vote.  Please register and vote every day for 10 days.  It's a simple process to register and voting takes mere seconds a day.  Voting starts on October 25, 2010.  Please, Please, Please.  Here is the link:

I'm sure that some of you have run across unedcuated doctors?  I'm only 2 months out of surgery and feel like I'm hitting my head against the wall when it comes to doctors.  Emergency room doctors and residents seem to be the worst.  They treat you with distain.


Thin you later.  Danette

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