7 days and counting down...

Denise M.
on 12/22/03 2:45 pm - Taylorsville, UT
I just wanted to thank everyone for their positive support! I can't believe that one week from this moment, I will be post-op. I started looking into this 2 years ago, and then began the process of actually having the surgery 1 1/2 years ago. I complained endlessly about the many obstacles that I had to overcome. This was my third attempt at having the surgery and I am so glad that it worked out. I have a message for anyone who is still thinking about having the surgery, and especially for those who are at a stand still in the process: This is the most important procedure you can do for yourselves. The process is not easy and can be so frustrating that quitting seems likely. But, don't give up. When your time comes every pained filled moment of waiting will seem to disappear. It's a lot like the pain of giving birth. While you are in it, it is excrutiating and you can't imagine going through it again for anything. But once you see the wonderful result, the pain becomes a distant memory and most are ready for another one. Hope this helps and thanks to everyone for just being here! See you all on the other side! Denise
Kristy G.
on 12/23/03 1:02 pm - Taylorsville, UT
Hi there again woman. I am soo excited that we are going to have this done at the same time to support each other. We now only have 6 days left. With Christmas in there it will be here faster than we think. I went to my all time favorite chinese place with my dad tonight. Oh man was I in heaven....I think I enjoyed it more knowing that it was my last time. Talk to you soon Kristy
Denise M.
on 12/25/03 5:06 pm - Taylorsville, UT
Unbelievable! With Christmas the time has flown by. I'm still not nervous, which worries me. I know that doens't make a lot of sense but if you had been at my wedding reception you'd know the danger of me not being nervous about something major. It may just hit me way too hard on THE DAY! Yikes! Kristy, I am sooo glad that we are in this together! I am so excited!! Sometimes I wi**** were tomorrow! Hopefully I will be able to get some sleepbetween now and then! See you soon! Denise
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