Dr. Alvarez and back to basics

on 6/8/07 11:25 pm - Calabash, NC

Last night I got a phone call from Dr. Alvarez. My weight loss has came to pretty much a stop. We talked about soom of the things I might be doing to cause me to stop losing weight. He shared a few ideas with me. I put them to work this morning. We also talked about him comming on OH, and posting as a member to help you with soom of your problems, and answer soom of you questions as you go along.  Please give me soom input and let me know what you think.  For the past year I've found this guy really cares. You guys have a great day.. Dirk

N::: A:::N:::O
on 6/8/07 11:28 pm - Yakima, WA
OH ... Dirk ... if we had a posting Doc ... just think what he could add to the FAQ!! I was hoping our forum doc would do that, but unless he is lurking or I've missed something, I haven't heard a word. Would you share his advice to you, unless it is too personal?
Original quote by Ms Shell:  
"Hey mama...strap down and let's go..I got your back!!  Let's ride!!!"


on 6/8/07 11:34 pm - ripley, TN
VSG on 05/04/07 with
I think that would be great!!


A dream is a wish your heart makes...







on 6/8/07 11:45 pm - LA
How wonderful it would be to have a dr. answer questions we have. That would be awesome. Susan

on 6/8/07 11:57 pm - MI
We have some great nurses on this forum that are always helping us out, but to have a real, live, bariatric surgeon, (especially Dr. Alvarez), would be GREAT! Hope he knows what he's getting himself into, LOL! Please tell him we'd love to have him drop by, Dirk. :)

Adrienne C.
on 6/9/07 12:22 am - CA

It would be terrific to have a Dr. post with us and help answer questions....Muy Bien Dr. Alvarez!  (I considered going to him but I found someone closer). 

Thanks Dirk!

Adrienne....Check out my story...I HAD A LEAK
on 6/9/07 12:46 am - midlothian, TX
"At the worst, a house unkept cannot be so distressing a a life unlived."-R.Macaulay
on 6/9/07 1:01 am
VSG on 05/25/07 with

Hi Dirk, That is a wonderful idea.  I am curious.  How did you get a chance to talk to Dr. Alvarez?  I saw that another physcian did your sleeve.  Just wondering.  He did my surgery.  Such a wonderful guy, he is and is very soft on my eyes, he is. That would be great.  I would embrace his knowledge. Keep us posted here on what he decides.

Only In GOD, Do I Trust

Cimone:  I could not have made a wiser choice

on 6/9/07 1:10 am, edited 6/9/07 1:13 am
VSG on 05/25/07 with

Hi there, Dirk I know who Dr. Rodriguez is.  he is Dr. Alvarez's associate.  Keep me posted on what he decides, ok.  We would love to have him here. Convince him, pls.

Only In GOD, Do I Trust

Cimone:  I could not have made a wiser choice

on 6/9/07 1:21 am - Boscobel, WI
VSG on 02/19/07 with
Hey Dirk, I would totally love it to see his advise on questions people would have here. That would be truly wonderful to have an actual dr reply to the more important type questions. If he did I would hope see that maybe if he did do this that the dr thread would be stuck to the top of the list like some of OH's postings to the group. That would really help new people to find the responses to important questions! Very nice idea. Cathy
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

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