Whatcha eating today VSGers? Monday...

Ms Shell
on 4/11/11 4:07 am, edited 4/11/11 7:54 am - Hawthorne, CA
I made it through the weekend and still not 100% but since I sit in front of a computer why not post right?!!

LND:  Pork roast

B:  6oz CarbMaster Yogurt
S:  2 Clementines
S:  About 10 M&M's and 1 Hershey Kiss =(
L:  Chicken Kabob; Salad
S:  Apple
D:  Dunno

Water:  Goal 100oz (60oz so far)
Exericse:  Goal 10,000 steps (6500 so far)
Vitamins:  On target
Attitude:  Sick and wanna go home...


"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

on 4/11/11 4:27 am - TX
B:  2 beef/brocolli eggbites; 1 pepperoni/ricotta thingie (eggface recipe, but I can't remember the name!)
S:  big ole cup of coffee - usual Monday "having trouble waking up" kinda day
L:  shrimp salad/cheese chips
D:  cilantro lime shrimp with salsa over guacamole

Note to self:  Don't grocery shop at Costco when hungry.  I'll be eating shrimp and ahi for the next 2 weeks!

Water:  on track
exercise:  yup
vitamins: on track

on 4/11/11 6:10 am - TX
Shrimp is my friend - what time is dinner?  Lol!! Every time I eat chicken or hamburger I get sick....shrimp and fish are great though...I hope this eventually goes away!!!
on 4/11/11 4:27 am, edited 4/11/11 5:24 am - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

I agree!! Your presence makes my day!!! Will be nice when you're feeling 100% again.

Having a lazy day. Still on the couch sipping coffee. I did grab a cheese string while making the coffee! LOL..

B: cheese string 
S: nothing
L:  CP Shrimp wonton soup

Attitude:  Lazy, or it called....relaxing!..





Leaky sleeve survivor!!! 2008/2009 ~ 5'7"~ 42F Bougie

on 4/11/11 5:00 am
B cherrios
post B lots of coffee
S H/B egg
L leftover chicken
S cauliflower and brocoli with melted cheese
D leftover chicken w/bbq sauce and a bit of guacamole
Briar Rose  
High Wt 300 lbs.  Pre-op Wt loss 34 lbs.   
Kelby F.
on 4/11/11 5:11 am - Minot, ND

B: 1/4 C egg whites, Morningstar Sausage, 1tbsp Salsa
L: 2oz Chicken, 1tbsp Buffalo Sauce, 1/4C Lettuce
S: 1/4C cottage cheese, 1.5oz Buffalo chicken breast from deli

D: 2 oz pork chop, 1/4 C steamed veggies

S: Not sure yet... Niece has ice skating tonight so we'll see.

~Kelby~       HW: 356 SW: 330 CW:231 GW: 175 I'm 5'6"

"Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be."

on 4/11/11 5:32 am
Hope you are feeling better soon, Ms. Shell!

B: protein shake
S: none
L: ham and cheese roll ups
S: left over ham/cheese roll ups
D: red curry shrimp

water and vites: doing well
exercise: going to enjoy the beautiful weather (for a change!) with an extra long walk
attitude: grumpy. wayyyyyyyyy tooooooooo much work!

HW: 280; SW: 255; GW1: 150; CW: 155.

Nita G.
on 4/11/11 5:32 am
 I went totally off plan over the weekend! Potato chips dipped in cottage cheese, oatmeal cookies, my granddaughter's birthday cake! I'm back on track today. Walked a couple of miles before work, drinking all my liquids, eating right. But I gotta tell you, it was GOOD!   

B: 4 oz Fage 0% greek yogurt with baby food prunes (my every day breakfast)
S: 1 oz beef jerky, 1/2 oz pepperjack, 1 ryekrisp cracker
L: 3 oz lean ground beef
S: probably more beef jerky, or cheese
D: I dunno... something easy. I have some chile verde or chile colorado in the freezer. Maybe one of those.

My 6 month post op appointment is this Friday. I'll see what the doc has to say about my labs. Hope everything is good.

48 pounds lost prior to surgery

on 4/11/11 6:12 am - TX
WOW!! You've lost 101 pounds in 6 months?  That is AWESOME!!!!
Nita G.
on 4/12/11 11:00 am
 No, I lost 48 lbs leading up to surgery, and 53 post surgery. That feels awesome enough!

48 pounds lost prior to surgery

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