Do you REALLY lose inches when not losing pounds??

on 5/22/11 11:47 am - TX
 Ok.  I knew this was true, but couldn't prove it because I stink at measuring!  I've DONE it but I'm never sure I'm putting the tape measure in the same place from time to time so my measurements are all over the place.  So today I actually have an answer - YES!!!!  Here's today's proof.  Two Saturdays ago I went shopping and could not wear any size 10's.  Since that day I have lost exactly 1.6 pounds.  Today I went shopping (at the same store), picked up 5 pair of size 10's and they all fit.  Some better than others but I could have worn any of them.  Makes the slower weight loss times a lot easier to take!!  Happy losing - inches or pounds!!
Valerie K.
on 5/22/11 11:50 am - Dearborn, MI
 That is great news. I am loosing so slow but noticed my inches are going down. keep up the great work.
My surgeon gave me the tool. Now it is up to me to use it right.
on 5/22/11 12:01 pm - TX
 Thanks Valerie!  It was starting to get to me a little bit - until the FABULOUS size 10 pants!!  That ought to hold me for a couple of weeks!
on 5/22/11 11:53 am - La Puente, CA
I wanna be a size 10!! congrads on getting rid of those inches.
Jan in Cali,  5ft  Sw 224                       
on 5/22/11 11:59 am - TX
 Thanks Cali!  We started at exactly the same weight (well - my hw the morning I started pre-op liquid diet) was 224.6.  I am 5-3", so a little taller.  You can do it!!!!!
on 5/22/11 12:12 pm - LA
This is not  a whine...I really can't ever see me in a size 10. My weight loss is so danged slow, I just don't think I'll make that.

Only lost 18.6 pounds since 4/4. No pre-op diet so it's all been since surgery but good grief it is crawling.

Congrats on your success. It's good to know that the inches will come off. Gives some of us snail losers a little hope.
on 5/22/11 12:28 pm - TX
 Mag - my loss has been slow compared to some as well.  You can do it!  18 lbs in 6  weeks is 12 lbs/month - that's AWESOME!  WAY WAY WAY more than I'm losing!  This month I will probably lose about 4 lbs.  But I've lost 2 sizes - so Hey - what the heck, right?  You are early out - just now really healed...  Get up and move whenever you can and follow your eating plan.  You CAN do it!!
on 5/22/11 12:51 pm
That is awesome! And size 10?? Woo hoo!

I take my measurements 1x a month and in Feb. 2011 I only lost -2lbs for the whole freaking month but I lost 6 inches all yep we definitely shrink even when the scale does not reward us.
-8lbs lost during the 6 month insurance hoop jumping,
the rest is since surgery.

on 5/22/11 12:55 pm
Oh and I stink at measuring too. It is hard to do! lol

And I'm also a slow loser. I didn't pre-op because it wasn't required but now sorta wish I had because I would be that much further in the game, but oh well, can't rewind the clock so I just push forward and figure my body will lose when it wants too (not necessarily on my demand, lol.)
-8lbs lost during the 6 month insurance hoop jumping,
the rest is since surgery.

on 5/22/11 1:04 pm - TX
 Yep - our bodies do what they want to do.  There are actually people who think I should be done losing (mostly my dad).  I am at least 18 lbs from where I want to be (based on BMI, lean muscle mass, etc.).  Unfortunately I told Dad my goal was single-digit size - so he now thinks I'm really close.  Oh, well.  I guess I can muster up a white lie...  lol.  Who would've ever thought I'd have to lie to say I was bigger than I was to get someone to "let" me lose more weight.  This is a WEIRD process!!!
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