it removed or is it lost eventually?

on 7/19/11 9:59 am - RIVERDALE, GA
I was reading some post and I thought that the ghrellin found in our tummies are removed for the most part during surgery but I've read here that it is lost eventually after surgery? Which is correct??
(deactivated member)
on 7/19/11 10:03 am
It is reduced significantly, but not removed 100%. Your body produces ghrelin in other places, it's just that the stomach produces the majority of it. Some may still be in your system from pre-surgery for a little while after surgery (days) but that's about it.
on 7/19/11 10:04 am - MN
This is my understanding of ghrelin;

Most of the ghrelin-producing cells are located in the stomach. Some ghrelin is produced elsewhere in your body, but not a lot. When the stomach is removed, so are most of the ghrelin-producing cells. That's the biology.

However, some people never lose the sensation of being hungry. I don't know why. And some people report feeling hungry again after a period of time following surgery. I don't know why. And some people seem to never feel very hungry again, maybe for ever. I don't know why. 

5'5"  Age 63  HW 212  SW 200 Currently 8 pounds below goal

(deactivated member)
on 7/19/11 10:08 am
Yes, I am one that feels hunger every now and then.. not cravings, but mild physical hunger.. from what I understand, it's not uncommon.
Eula "Evie" R.
on 7/19/11 10:11 am - Mount Nebo, WV
I really mean to sound dumb but what is ghrelin?
God Bless
on 7/19/11 2:10 pm - Sacramento, CA
Ghrellin is a hormone that's involved, like other hormores, in the hunger / satiation respose in your body.

Ghrellin can be a strong, powerful signal from your body that you are hungry, that you need food, that your stomach is empty.  Ghrellin is made mostly in your body by the stomach, and most of that is at the top of the stomach called the fundus.

The VSG removes most, but not all, of the stomach tissue that produces ghrellin.  Because of that, people who have the VSG surgery often report greatly diminished hunger after surgery than they felt before surgery.  This effect is not seen when the stomach is not removed, as in the case of an RNY bypass.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.


Heaviest weight:  310 pounds  (Male, 5'10")

on 7/19/11 10:08 am - RIVERDALE, GA
im the unlucky hungry person!!
Ms. Poker Face
on 7/19/11 10:28 am
 Meh, I think it's too early to make that call.  You just had surgery less than 3 weeks ago.  I think once you get to regular food (not liquids, not pureed, not soft, but regular) you may experience something different.

Hang in there and think positive!


5'5"    Goal reached, but fighting regain.  Back to Basics.
Start Weight 246    Goal Weight 160    Current Weight 183

Starting size: 22, 2x
Current size: 12, L


on 7/19/11 10:23 am - MN
What is ghrelin? Google it. Or use the search feature at the top of this page. There's a lot more to WLS than removing the stomach. There's ghrelin, leptin, PYY, peptides, hormones. Google is your friend. 

5'5"  Age 63  HW 212  SW 200 Currently 8 pounds below goal

(deactivated member)
on 7/19/11 11:39 am, edited 7/19/11 11:40 am
 I hope you don't mean to be rude, but the PP was asking people who should know and how hard would it be to just answer her question succintly and then suggest that if she wants to learn more provide a link for her? I just think that saying "Google is your friend" is the rudest thing I see on the Internet. OK rant over, continue your discussion.
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