My friends think I have lost it...and I probably have!

on 10/20/11 12:58 am - Cumming, GA
I was trying to explain to one of my best friends the conflict between my head and my sleeve.  My head is telling me I need to snack on something NOW - to the point I am distracted and can't focus on my work this morning.  I have already had 4 glasses of water, working on my next 4 (nice handy dandy 32 oz water mug from the hospital), so I know I am not thirsty.  I also know I had my full protein in my coffee this morning and there is not a valid reason I think I need to eat at 10:30 in the morning.

My friend has been great at txting me and messaging me motivations throughout the day and keeping me accountable when I want to go off plan.  I told her that last week I was lecturing my sleeve about behaving, but today I was lecturing my head to stop saying I'm hungry when I'm not!  She started to laugh and said I may be certifiably insane if I keep discussing this out loud.

I just threw some gum in my mouth to give my head something to chew, and it's the kind that freshens your breath, so mentally I will be less likely to ruin that feeling.

Does any one else talk to their sleeves and brains when you need them to behave, or have I really lost it?  By the way, I am smiling the whole time I type this because if I am insane, it won't change my outlook.

on 10/20/11 1:36 am - WA
you know it is a hard thing to explain.  I try and explain the difference to folks and they just look at me...But also with the sleeve  - I don't really feel hunger (just 4 weeks out) but at times I think about food and mentally want it but am not hungry.  I think with all the food ads on tv we are always aware of food....

Elaine H.
on 10/20/11 1:52 am
Love your brand of insanity, I think I will adopt it.
I will be insane with you!!!!!!!!!!!!
          VSG 3/21/11    HW 322  SW  298  CW  200 GW  175  5'7"    age 65                                                                           
Kelly L.
on 10/20/11 2:08 am
First of all congrats on your weight loss, you're doing fantastic!! Secondly, are you on a PPI/acid reducer? The false hunger, gnawing, and rumblings can mimic real hunger. I highly recommend using something for acid and many are available over the counter now.
Also, you don't mention what time you had your coffee with protein, but if it was way early, then your sleeve may actually be hungry by 10:30. I know I have to eat almost every 3 hrs, and this also helps me meet my daily protein and calorie goals easily. I am not using protein shakes, so I am getting all my protein from food. I realize most of us aren't used to eating that often pre-op, and it seems strange and excessive. I jokingly told someone I feel like I eat all the time and way more than before surgery lol. But we are eating such small amounts. So I do eat 5-6 times a day, 3 meals and 2-3 small protein snacks. Even if it's just a few almonds or a string cheese.
You are right though, sometimes it is just plain head hunger. If you were like me pre-op and previously snacked at work to combat boredom or stress, then you may be just missing that. I actually lol'd at you lecturing your head and sleeve! Good luck to you and I'm off to lecture my whole body about moving and exercising more!!
on 10/20/11 2:31 am - Cumming, GA
Hi Kelly!  Thanks - I am a slow loser, though, because 20 lbs of my loss was pre-surgery, but as long as it is coming off and I am staying on plan I will be content...sometimes.

I am on Prilosec every night, which has really helped!  I used to feel like flames were dancing around in my chest, and now that's mostly subsided.  I also chew on some Tums when that feeling starts to hit.

I have my coffee around 7 every morning so I don't pass out when I take a shower (has almost happened a few times until I got into this routine).  I was eating 3 meals and 2-3 small snacks, but when I went for my 6 week check up the dr said I need to drop another 40 lbs in the next 6 weeks.  He said I needed to stop snacks all together and only eat 3 meals a day, reduce my protein drink to once a day to get 67% of my protein from actual food, and drink drink drink water until my eyes are flooded.

I will step on the scale tomorrow, even though I told myself I'd only weigh every 2 weeks.  If I am going to be down 40 lbs by Thanksgiving I need a better handle on where I'm at on a weekly basis.  I can't do daily - I have OCD tendencies and a daily number would drive me to medical insanity!  I am already having issues with calories even though I stay between 600 - 800 calories.  I feel like I did something wrong if I'm close to 800 calories.  Back to my misbehaving head! 

I'm 7 weeks out, so it is time for my sleeve to its weight around here? ha!  I just made myself giggle.
on 10/20/11 3:37 am - los angeles, CA

You may be insane but you're in good company.  I'm 4 weeks further out than you and here was my progress.

first 2 weeks no hunger at all (i will say i had a strange post op intense pain so it may just be that i didn't notice my hunger because my pain was so intense)
week3-4 pain resolved.  starving all the time.  What did I do?  Never was going to be able to live with this sleeve.  Hated it. Poor, poor, pitiful me.

week 5-7 hunger abated somewhat.  Hard to explain but I'd eat was kinda hungry in an hour but it was manageable.  I'd white knuckle it until the next feeding.

week 8 thru present. Hunger went away.  don't know where it went to but hope it stays there.  Seriously have to look at the clock to see if i should eat.  Oh joy oh bliss. 

Having said this someone had a birthday today and i had a small slice of cake.  I did not need or want the cake and it is the first time i have broken protocol.  Was not hungry, was not craving but put it in my mouth anyway.  So yes actual hunger abating is great.  Now to the other beast.

on 10/20/11 2:31 am - CO
I don't suffer from insanity, I love every minute of it!

  If it feels good, do it!  And if it smells good, eat it!

(deactivated member)
on 10/20/11 3:13 am
You may need to take a PPI twice a day.  I do and it works fine for me.  I also wonder if you need to maybe have one of your snacks between breakfast and Lunch?  I usually eat a cheese stick about 10:30 or sometimes just a half cheesestick.  It seems to help my head to think about other things.  One of my favorite snacks that I can rarely finish is one cheese stick divided into 5 or 6 strings.  I then use very thin sliced deli turkey breast (one serving is usually 5-6 slices) and roll the cheese stick inside a single slice of turkey.  This will give me 5-6 turkey cheese rolls and I can normally only eat about 2-3 at a sitting. It makes a filling protein snack in between meals if I need it.  I always have a baggie in my purse with these in it.  I never like to be caught somewhere without a legal snack so I won't be tempted.
on 10/20/11 3:17 am - Ballston Lake, NY
Glad you have a supportive friend and it sounds like you are doing excellent on your fluid goals..Way to go!

Regardless of what your surgeon says, I agree with the other poster....if you had your protein at 7:00 am, you are actually hungry at 10:30 am...

I don't know how it is physically possible to get enough calories with eating only 3 times a day, with the way the sleeve restricts portion sizes..

At 2 months post op...I was lucky to get in 100 cals at a 3x would only be 300 cals...not enough to sustain us...much less to exercise or be active in any way....

IMHO, your body probably needs more fuel....granted your snacks/meals should be of very good quality..not junk...but still be careful of undereating....

If I didn't eat 5 or 6 times a day...I would be malnourished....

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